AODA Prevention Partnership May 8, 2013 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Agenda Welcome from your Co-Chairs Responsible Action legislation by SGA Alcohol-Wise Findings Preliminary AODA Survey Findings Online Program Options Sanction Grid Strategic Planning Process Next full Prevention Partnership meeting, November 2013
Action by SGA Student Government Association passed a resolution to support Responsible Action Legislation (similar action on the state level). Many do not seek medical attention for an overdose to avoid legal consequences. This legislation is intended to prioritize safety and lifesaving by reducing citations/fines. Future will include advertisement and detail on medical emergencies to inspire a focus on safety. Not intended as a “free pass” to abuse AOD.
Alcohol-Wise Findings Fall and spring administration 50% increase; understanding about alcohol and associated behavioral health issues (pre to post) 20% increase; recognition of adverse relationship between alcohol use and academic success 86% agreed that the content was appropriate and easy to understand; 65% of students agreed that the interactions were interesting and helpful; and, 61% of students agreed that the course would help them avoid future problems with alcohol.
Preliminary Survey Findings UW system AODA survey administered in 2005, 2007, 2009, Self-administered in spring Some encouraging findings: Plan to analyze longitudinal data this summer Questions addressing select behaviors, negative consequences, and secondary consequences 2011 (31%) 2013 (45%) Reported non-drinker28%33% Binge drinking (4-drink measure; last 30 days)65% Vomiting due to drinking67%61% Memory loss due to drinking44%42% Drove under the influence26%24% Had sleep disturbed by another's drinking50%45% Had studying disturbed by another’s drinking41%40%
Online Program Options Will repeat Alcohol-Wise for Universal prevention programs will be discussed by the management team in fall 2013 Priorities for consideration include research- driven, sanctioning, timing, length, interesting interface, meeting sexual assault content expectations, special populations, inclusivity, references to other drugs, and cost. There are numerous programs available; we’ll attempt to find our best fit.
Sanction Grid Dual purpose: enhance consistency of responses to violations and encourage self-discipline among students Proposal submitted for Vice-Chancellor’s consideration Multiple review opportunities
Strategic Planning Process Two major goals: Education Policy enforcement and sanctioning Team of six to draft a plan this summer for consideration by the management team in August Project will include work by HS 490 students working to address OMNA survey findings
Center for Prevention Website Search Health and Wellness from Allen Center for Health and Wellness Programs Center for Prevention is a link on the left Find Alcohol-Wise, Prevention Partnership, and data-related information
In closing... Next meeting—November 2013 Strategic Plan Online Program Options