VetcoGray A GE Oil & Gas Business Richard Staite
Overview About Me About VetcoGray Subsea Production Systems My Career to Date Modules I Found Useful Q & A
About Me Graduated from UWE 2007 BSc (Hons) Computing for Real Time Systems Joined VetcoGray July 2007 Graduate Software Engineer Development
About VetcoGray VetcoGray originally found in 1906 VetcoGray is a leader in technological innovations within the oil and gas industry. Offering a single source solution for any size subsea development, whether tied back to an offshore facility, or as a long offset from shore. Developing Subsea Control Systems Locally in Nailsea, Bristol which are used worldwide. Includes Master Control Station (MCS) Surface Modem Units (SMU) Subsea Control Module (SCM) Subsea Electronics Module (SEM) Subsea Distribution Units (SDU) Electrical Test Unit (ETU) Intervention Work Over Control System (IWOCS)
Subsea Production Systems
Size & Scale
Subsea Tree Subsea Control Module Valves & Chokes Temperature Sensors Pressure Sensors Sand Detectors Corrosion Monitors
Subsea Electronics Module (SEM) Basics Completely bespoke designed to customers specifications Brains of the Subsea Control Module Located on Subsea Trees and Manifolds Operating Depths of 3000m Operating Pressure of 15000 psi Operating Temperatures between -15 to + 70 Operating Voltages between 300V - 600V Internal Voltages of 3, 5, 12 and 24 Volts Operating Lifecycle of up-to 25 years Functionality Siemens 80C167 Processor Down Hole Pressure and Temperature Card Reversible Solenoid Drive Chemical, Single and Multiphase flowmeters Analogue monitoring 4 – 20 mA transducers (monitoring pressure and temperature) Low-Speed, High-Speed, Variable Speed and Fibre Optic Communications (Dependant upon offset from MCS)
Subsea Control Module (SCM) SubseaElectronics Module Directional Control Valve Interface Cards Optical Modems Hyd HP Intensifier
MODULAR SCM – Part Assembled
2nd/3rd/4th Generation Subsea Electronics Modules (SEMs) High density Integrated Circuits Extended internal monitoring Reduced software complexity ISO-13628-6 compliant ESS on site in environmental test chambers
Master Control Station The MCS is a 19” rack mounted system that provides control of multiple subsea wells. It provides the operator interface as well as control logic, interlocks and event logging. The standard system offers dual PC redundancy to ensure maximum uptime. Communication with the subsea equipment is based on Vetco Gray’s market leading high speed powerline signalling technology.
Communications Technology Communication On Power System (COPS) Communication And Power System (CAPS) Low Speed Copper Modem (LSCM) High Speed Copper Modem (HSCM) Variable Speed Copper Modem (VSCM) Fibre Optic
Full Scope of Supply
Software Software is split into two sections of Topside and Subsea. Master Control Station (SCADA Intouch & Incontrol) Config Engine Topside and Subsea Simulator Configuration Files Automated Test Equipment Subsea SEM Code SEM 3, SEM2k
Automated Test Equipment
IWIS & SIIS IWIS – Intelligent Wells Interface Standardisation Standardisation of the interface between downhole instrumentation for intelligent wells and subsea control systems. Goal to reduce complexity and costs and increase flexibility for intelligent wells. Utilises TCP/IP to create a transparent link to downhole instrumentation. SIIS – Subsea Instrument Interface Standardisation To standardise on the interface between subsea sensors and control system. Goal to achieve improvements in subsea reliability. Utilises fault tolerant CAN Devices.
Project Management Organising Customer Training Management of deliverable project documentation. Liaising between staff and clients Meetings
Essentials for all Projects Specification Control Project Management Development Process Version Control Log Books Testing Code Reviews Pre-Delivery Audits Coffee
Version Control It is common for multiple engineers to be working on the different modules of the same application at any given time. Applications are usually developed in separate modules for different functionality. Ensuring that the engineer is using the most up-to-date version is essential. Version control allows engineers to work on the same application at the same time without worry that it is being changed by another engineer. Version control allows you to role back to previous versions of the application, extremely useful if a bug gets programmed into the version.
Code Reviews When working as part of a team of software engineers it is important to ensure that regular code reviews are carried out. This not only re-clarifies the goal of the project but also helps other people understand what you are trying to achieve. It also helps to highlight possible bugs which may be in the code. It can also highlight the possibilities for optimisation.
Log Books Your log book is your best friend. It is essential when you need to refer back to a common problem. Log books are commonly used as a method of proving your knowledge, they can be used to become a chartered engineer. Log books can also be used when it comes to patents and for proving intellectual property.
Modules I Found Useful C Programming Software Design & C++ Embedded Real-Time Systems Design Microcomputer Control Systems Embedded Co-Design (VHDL & C) Advanced Distributed Systems
Small Change Big Difference A change in your section of the application may inadvertently effect another part of the application. Always use a method of version control when developing software. Often you will be working a teams and developing different parts of the same application. If developing safety critical systems ensure the use of interlocks. Design your system so that it can only be operated one way.
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