David Stubbs Key Question: What should be the route for the Al-Corniche line of the new Doha Metro?
Resources My colleague and I created a wiki to model to our teachers one way of uploading resources Wiki: Buck Institute of Education
Why use PBL? Broader and richer learning perspective Meets demands of the 21 st century Makes meaningful connections Allows for a variety of approaches and methodologies - Differentiation Caters for different learning styles and interests – Multiple Intelligences Encourages the sharing of ideas and good practice Required by IB program!
Challenges of PBL Preparation Selection of good digital resources Can be haphazard – easy to go off task Difficult to assess / evaluate
Exploring Models of integration References: Buck Institute of Education [FANTASTIC: hundreds of resources]Buck Institute of Education
Connected (within ONE subject) Oral Language Reading Writing
Nested (within ONE subject) What if? Systems Circulatory System 1.Input 2.Output 3.Features 4.Purpose 5.And so on
Sequenced (within TWO subjects) Jungle Book English Ecosystems Geography
Shared (within 2 subjects) Geography Rainfall Math Charts Graphs Data representation
Webbed (across disciplines) Use a broad theme, e.g. change, culture, environment, work Greater opportunity for interaction Use webbing to create ideas Generate as many ideas as possible. Accept all ideas. Seek clarification, if necessary, but do not edit at this stage. Encourage people to brainstorm on their own before contributing to a common pool of ideas. Remember that brainstorming is an open-ended exercise. At any time, new ideas or directions may be introduced. Do not close down the process too soon. Provide ample thinking time.
Webbing Use Mind Mapping to brainstorm ideas For example, bubbl.us or Mind Meister
Process From Buck Institute of Education ***LOTS of resources for every step of the process*** Route Map for Al- Corniche line Survey Analysis of Survey Charts Tables Artwork Newspaper Article Report Posters
Possible Projects (for Doha metro project) English Design a survey Write a report Write a newspaper article Math Analyse results of survey Create charts and tables (with ICT) Travel graphs Science Investigate impact of Doha Metro on global warming Investigate MagLev Velocity, vectors, kinetic energy, electricity
Possible Projects continued (for Doha metro project) Art: LOTS of design possibilities Color scheme for metro wagons Logo for Doha Metro Awareness poster Artwork for walls of stations Metro map Islamic Studies Buildings to reflect Islamic principles Include prayer rooms in design Social Studies Transportation
Guest Speaker Recommendation Invite a guest speaker ALL schools will have a student who has a parent who is involved with the Doha Metro project
Resources (continued) I would like to close this presentation with a quick look at the wiki I created to store resources for the project. Thanks for coming to my presentation. I hope that it was useful. David Stubbs