Sourashtra Universal Revolutionary Youth Association
WE INVITE SOURASHTRA YOUTHS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD TO JOIN LOG ON TO TO BECOME MEMBERSWWW.PALKARSURYA.COM NO JOINING FEE. REGISTRATION IS FREE !!!! Proposed Plans and Goals of 1. Unity is Strength: SURYA intends to Unite All Sourashtra Youths and Organizations throughout the world under the name SURYA at so as to build a strong people power and strength at one place and it has started counting the Sourashtra population through its CENSUS 2012 program online in its website with the goal of achieving this. 2. Financial Stability: SURYA intends to bring about Financial Stability Among Our Sourasthra Community people by forming an effective Financial Institution which provides Monetary access to our Sourashtra people for education, business, and all other emergency puposes. 3. Formulate Income Generators: SURYA is going to formulate various means of Income Generators to Our Sourashtra People by providing various financial schemes which allows them to earn extra income. 4. FREE Education and Health: SURYA intends to provide Free Education and Health Services to All the Sourashtra People from start to finish by working out towards various modalities to finance for the same cause. 5. Upliftment of Sourashtra Community: SURYA intends to Eradicate Poverty in Sourashtra Community and uplift the people under various levels of living to upper levels of living standards, thereby leading Sourashtra Community to strong developed community. 6. Employment and Business: SURYA would indulge in Providing All Available Informations to Sourashtra People to get them good employment opportunities as well as all Business information and help to setup their business. 7. Encourage Sourastrians: SURYA would work towards Encouraging Sourashtrians in All Other Fields in which we are lying backward Eg: Art, entertainment, sports, and other unexplored sectors where our talented people are not in a limelight by providing support to get recognition to their individual talents by making them reach their required destiny.