Accounts of Exploration and Exploitation


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Presentation transcript:

Accounts of Exploration and Exploitation First Encounters Accounts of Exploration and Exploitation

History of the Americas 1492- Columbus landed on a tiny Caribbean island and thought he was in India. Called the inhabitants “Indians”. He shared stories he about opportunity in the Americas which convinced other explorers (Spanish and Portuguese) to visit.

History continued….. 4 primary reasons explorers came to America: desire for wealth and fame to convert Indians to Christianity for religious freedom the trade of enslaved Africans

History continued…. European slave trade began as early as the 1400’s. Many Spanish and Portuguese brought their African slaves to the Americas to provide labor for the sugar plantations. Before long, English colonists were also importing African slaves to work sugar cane, tobacco, and cotton plantations.

Culture The extremely diverse cultures of the Native Americans and the Europeans caused many misunderstandings and, in some cases, even violence and injury. Ex. One of the first native men to try to communicate with Columbus, cut his hand on Columbus’ sword. He didn’t know what a sword was.

Religion Many came to the New World to spread Christianity. Both Catholics and Protestants believed Christianity to be the only true religion. Nonbelievers were “enemies of God” and had to be converted by persuasion or force. English Puritans came to America to seek religious freedom from the strict guidelines of the Catholic church.

Literature of Exploration Much of the literature of this period was written by explorers who had recorded and published their adventures and encounters. Common themes of adventure, hardships, and encounters with natives (who explorers described as uncivilized, ignorant, and without religion) were evident.

Types of Literature Historical Narratives- accounts of real-life historical experiences, given either by a person who experienced those events or someone who studied or observed them. 2 Forms: Primary Sources- documents, letters, diaries, journals, autobiographies that offer direct, firsthand knowledge of a subject

2. Secondary Sources- indirect, secondhand knowledge 2. Secondary Sources- indirect, secondhand knowledge. Biographies are an example. Slave narrative- portrays the daily life of slaves as written by the slaves themselves after having gained their freedom.