Digital Storytelling
To download PhotoStory: –Click on Downloads
Type PhotoStory 3 in the blank space after All Downloads and click Go.
Click on the File name - PhotoStory
Continue to validate that the computer is running a genuine version of Windows
On the next screen click on the download button.
Opening PhotoStory After installing the program, go to Start, Programs and click on PhotoStory 3 for Windows on your Programs menu. Click on the PhotoStory icon
Step 1: What do You want to Do
Creating a Story Step 1: Beginning a Story –Begin a Story Start a new digital story –Edit a Project Open an existing project to modify or edit –Play a Story Open a finalized story for viewing
Step 2: Import and Arrange
Importing Images Click the Import Image button –Locate the file with the images –Use the CTRL key to select multiple images –Each story will hold up to 300 images –Click the OK button
Selecting Images
The Image Tray Image Tray: used for arranging images
Step 3: Editing Photos Use the buttons below the image to edit photos
Step 3: Editing Images Use the tabs and buttons to edit the images Change the effect using the drop-down menu
Step 4: Add Text Select each image and use the textbook to apply text
Step 5: Narrate Story click on the red dot to begin or stop recording. You can also add notes in the text area. click on the back arrow button to erase the narration and start again. You can preview the narration by clicking on the Preview button.
Step 6: Customize Motion Click the Customize Motion button under any picture to make changes Motions can be automatically or manually set Change transitions from one slide to the next
Click specify start and end position of motion and set zoom and pan features of the program. You can also choose to set the duration automatically (based on narration, etc.) or set the number of seconds to display the picture. You can click Preview to see how your picture will look. You can also click the Transition Tab to set transitions from picture to picture.
Step 7: Transitions Transitions are used to move from one image to the next Scroll to view all available transitions.
Step 8: Background Music Click on select music to go to a CD or folder where you have audio files. You can set the volume of the background music on this screen. You might want the music in the background softer if you have narration.
Creating Music To create music, you can select genre, band, mood, tempo and intensity.
Background Music Music appears above images
Step 9: Finalize the Story Specify where you want to save the movie as well as the name. You can choose to browse for the location.
Step 10: View the Story View the story Story with be in.wmv format
On Your Own… Use the Internet to locate and save 5-10 images of your hometown Use the images to create a simple digital story highlighting where you grew up Add voice, background music, transitions, and customize image motions
In the Classroom… Create book reviews for any content area Develop research projects/multimedia presentations Create visual portfolios for student assignments Create visual essays for English, Social Studies, Science, etc.
What Will You Do??? How can PhotoStory 3 be used in your classroom? Where do you think you will have problems with PhotoStory 3?