Welcome to the Adult Two Couples Class Immanuel Baptist Church
Question of the Day What was your best and worst experience of this past week?
Announcements – No Sunday School next Sunday Morning Worship only Morning Worship only – January thru March fellowship You too can be a host You too can be a host
Prayer Requests
Question of the Day What was your best and worst experience of this past week?
Context Paul’s Letter to the Church at Rome Paul’s message to the Roman church has shifted from an explanation of the need for salvation by grace to follow up subjects dealing with God sovereignty in saving one group while another is rejected. Last week Paul addressed the responsibility that man has to accept the message of grace or reject it. Paul continues now to address the question about the status, and what seems on the surface to be a rejection, of the covenant that God made with the Jews as His grace is extended primarily to the Gentiles.
Overview Are the Jews Now Rejected Are the Jews Now Rejected But You Gentiles, Don’t Get Cocky But You Gentiles, Don’t Get Cocky Israel is Not Forgotten Israel is Not Forgotten
Key Truth God’s patiently extends His grace and mercy to all people for a time.
Romans 11 : Are the Jews Rejected?
Paul reminds his Jewish brethren of God’s faithfulness to them Paul reminds his Jewish brethren of God’s faithfulness to them –This is similar to his previous statements Romans 9:1-5 Romans 9:1-5 –Paul heads off any criticism by the Jewish Christians in the church at Rome
Are the Jews Rejected? God keeps His covenants, even when it looks to us like He is not God keeps His covenants, even when it looks to us like He is not –Put yourself in the shoes of a Christian Jew at the beginning of the Church Age –How would you feel? –The danger of this thinking Brings on doubt about God Brings on doubt about God –In this case, God had a reason for what He was doing Romans 11:11 Romans 11:11 –Elijah’s example is one of us presuming to know what God knows and missing out on what He is doing
Are the Jews Rejected? The difference that sometimes escapes us is Grace The difference that sometimes escapes us is Grace –By their human understanding, the Christian Jews saw the offense that their race was to God They had rejected the true Messiah! They had rejected the true Messiah! –By God’s mercy and grace, they are and will be included in God’s plan
Romans 11 : Ezekiel 5:5 But You Gentiles, Don’t Get Proud
Hey buddy; I’m talkin’ to you! Hey buddy; I’m talkin’ to you! –Paul claimed authority to preach to the Gentiles –God had not supplanted the Gentiles for the Jews and Paul understood that the Jews could be reached –This is still a method of witnessing today When people look at us, do they see something they envy, or detest? When people look at us, do they see something they envy, or detest? The seed of mercy was sown with the Jews originally The seed of mercy was sown with the Jews originally –God intended for that seed to be sown to the nations around Israel Ezekiel 5:5 Ezekiel 5:5 –Out of that initial relationship of mercy with the Jewish race, God chose to spread His fulfillment of grace through Jesus –The Jewish rejection of Jesus, led God to send His message of Grace to the Gentiles –Because the root of grace (the Jews) were a holy (set apart) people, so are we Gentiles
But You Gentiles, Don’t Get Proud God’s Grace would find an outlet God’s Grace would find an outlet –God’s grace had its roots in the covenant He made with Israel –It will be universally complete when the Jews get onboard with Jesus –God’s plan of grace was grafted in to the Gentiles The descendants of Israel are not forgotten The descendants of Israel are not forgotten Only the branches have been stripped Only the branches have been stripped The whole tree is not dug up The whole tree is not dug up God looks for the faithful regardless of lineage God looks for the faithful regardless of lineage –2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” –God went looking for the faithful and stripped off branches of the hard hearted Jews –If the Gentiles become unfaithful, they too will be stripped off Does this mean we can lose our salvation? Does this mean we can lose our salvation?
Romans 11 : Israel is Not Forgotten
Israel’s rejection of Jesus resulted in the Gospel going to the Gentiles Israel’s rejection of Jesus resulted in the Gospel going to the Gentiles –The gentiles are given a window of opportunity to partake in God’s grace “…until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in…” “…until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in…” –God continues to wait for people to come to Him through Christ There will be a shift back to Israel as they come to accept Jesus There will be a shift back to Israel as they come to accept Jesus –Israel will once again become the focal point of God’s love and mercy –History will repeat itself –The Jews will fully recognize Jesus as Messiah and the Gentiles will fully reject Him
Review We Cannot Save Ourselves We Cannot Save Ourselves The Simplicity of Salvation The Simplicity of Salvation There is a Need to Tell Others There is a Need to Tell Others
Adult Two Couples Class