Religions Part 1 The Abrahamic Faiths
Culture and Religion Religion is often the biggest single factor determining the culture of a people. Religious people get their worldview, beliefs and values largely from their religion. Religions support behaviors of which they approve And suppress behavior of which they disapprove. As a majority of people in the world are religious therefore religion has a profound effect on culture.
Types of Religion Religion can be divided by what they worship Monotheism: One God Three of the major religions are monotheistic: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Polytheism: Many gods The major religion Hinduism is polytheistic. Traditional or Pantheistic: Many gods everywhere. Shinto, the official religion of Japan is one. Religious Philosophies: are not centered on worship Daoism and Buddhism are religious philosophies
The Abrahamic Faiths According to the Jewish holy book, the Torah: Almost 4000 years ago a man called Abraham began to worship the “One True God” To test his faith God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac, At the last moment God spared Isaac, Abraham had passed the test. God rewarded Abraham by making him “the father of many nations” –The Arabs trace themselves back to his son Ishmael –The Jews trace themselves back to Isaac’s son Jacob Judaism, Christianity & Islam all claim descent from “Father Abraham’s” Faith
Judaism Judaism is the first of the great monotheistic faiths. It is based on a contract between God and the Hebrew people found in their Holy Book the Torah: The Hebrew people Must obey God’s Law, which is about: Worshiping only God, and nothing else Treating each other well. In return God would: Bless, care for, and protect the Hebrew People Give them the land of Palestine to live in.
Christianity Christianity is based on the life and teachings Jesus Christ (ca. 0 AD) found in the Bible, their Holy Book The Bible contains his and can be summed up: Love the Lord your God with all your heart Love you neighbor as yourself Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and that he died as a sacrifice to pay for their sins, and was resurrected three days later. They worship him as part of a three-part God. (3 in 1) Christianity is the largest religion with 2 billion believers.
Islam Islam is based on the Teachings of Mohammed about 600 AD. It has over a billion believers. According to the Koran, their Holy Book: An angel came to Mohammed from God to tell him that both the Jews and Christians have wondered from the true faith, that they need correction. For example: (Jews) It was Ishmael not Isaac that was almost sacrificed. (Christians) There is One God not 3 in 1. Islam seeks to restore God’s Law Among men