Snappy Social Studies Week 2
Take out a sheet of paper and put your correct heading then begin ► Use Map A on your desk to help you this week. ► 1. What can a map show you? ► 2. What part of a map tell you direction? What are the four cardinal directions? What are the four cardinal directions?
Skip a line and write today’s date ► 3. What are the pictures or colors on a map that stand for real things called? ► 4. What is the list of symbols on a map called?
Skip a line and write today’s date ► 5. What part of a map helps you know how far places really are from each other? ► 6. What are some ways that people can move from one place to another? ► 7. Why is it good to know about other places?
Skip a line and write today’s date ► 8. What kinds of different things are shown on this map? ► 9. Why is water an important resource for a community? ► 10. According to Map A, what might people do for fun in this town?
Friday ► Check your answers and be ready to correct and grade.
Answers ► 1. A map can show you where things are located. ► 2. The part of a map that tells you direction is called a compass rose. The four cardinal directions are north, east, south, west. ► Never Eat Soggy Waffles ► (Make sure labeled in room-Shelbyville is south)
Answers ► 3. The pictures or colors on a map that stand for real things are called symbols. ► 4. The list of symbols on a map is called a map key or legend.
Answers ► 5. The part of a map that helps you know how far places really are from each other is called the distance scale. ► 6. Some ways that people can move from one place to another are…. Some modes of transportation should include by road, by rail, by water, by air, by walking, by using animals. Categorize these—train, car, motorcycle, foot, boat, airplane, scooter, etc.
Answers ► 7. Answers will vary It is good to know about other places because it gives one a better understanding of the world in which we live.
Answers ► 8. The kinds of different things that are shown on this map include various features of Bend River such as roads, bridges, railroad tracks, railroad station, a river, and a larger body of water. ► 9. Water is an important resource for a community because it is necessary for life. People use water to drink, cook, clean, nurture plants and animals, transportation, industry, and recreation. ► 10. According to Map A, people might enjoy water activities for fun in this town. Make sure this is ready to be turned in!