Product Presentation October, 2003 confidential PRODUCT NAME
2 What Does the Product Do? Product description and functionalities (describe the product and list all the functionalities) Product description and functionalities (describe the product and list all the functionalities)
3 What Does the Product Do? (con’d) Features (describe product’s key features) Features (describe product’s key features)
4 What Does the Product Do? (con’d) Target customer profile (who is/will use in this product) Target customer profile (who is/will use in this product)
5 Market(s) for the Product Industries (which industries can use this product) End-users (what category of users can use this product)
6 Product Pricing
7 Technical Description of the Product Technologies/platforms used Technologies/platforms used Copyrights for the product (owned/not owned) Copyrights for the product (owned/not owned)
8 Competitive Products (Company & Name of Product) Your Product Advantage(s) - in terms of technology & benefits for end-users Comments Competitive Positioning
9 Competitive Products (Company & Name of Product) Your Product Advantage(s) - in terms of technology & benefits for end-users Comments Competitive Positioning (cont’d)