Architecture Implementation Pilot-5 Disasters Management WG Encourage mature systems to interoperate with the GEOSS Common Infrastructure Hervé Caumont, OGC Presentation to IWG-SEM October 15 th, 2012
GEOSS connects Observations to Decisions
GEO Task DI-01 Informing Risk Management & Disaster Reduction Priority Actions Provide timely information relevant to the full cycle of disaster management (mitigation, preparedness, warning, response and recovery) Approach (C1 & C5) Increase use of satellite data for disasters management cycle, develop EO data integration best practices Integrate EO data (fresh & archive) with 'baseline' data: provide easy to access combined information Review Global and regional disaster management systems: identify gaps wrt data, metadata, functionalities, lifecycle... Develop Regional End-to-End Pilots
GEO Task IN-05 GEOSS Design and Interoperability Priority Actions GEOSS Research and Prototyping GEOSS Interoperability Analysis and Support Encourage mature systems to interoperate with GCI Ensure access to GEOSS Data-CORE Approach Manage evolutionary architecture of GEOSS Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF) Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 5 (AIP-5)
Architecture Implementation Pilot and DM AIP-1:GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) prototype –Applied to DM: oil spill, volcano, hurricane AIP-2:Disaster Management Scenario –Scenario and Use Case driven development –Applied to flooding; Recast to other disasters AIP-3:Near- real-time dispatching during response –Component architecture confirmed AIP-4:DM based on EC BRISEIDE project AIP-5:Coordination with CEOS on DM – in process “Fostering interoperability arrangements and common practices for GEOSS”
AIP-5 Master Schedule
Responses to AIP-5 Call for Participation Aquatic Informatics CAAS and Tsinghua CIESIN Compusult CSISS – GMU CUAHSI EO2HEAVEN GeoViQua GEOWOW Hydrology GEOWOW Architecture GIS-FCU IEEE INCOSE MINES ParisTech/ ENDORSE NASA NASRDA NIWA NOAA PML PYXIS TUD-GLUES UNEP Live Univ of Tokyo Responses to AIP-5 CFP are posted CFP remains openposted
Responses to AIP-5 Call for Participation Aquatic Informatics CAAS and Tsinghua CIESIN Compusult CSISS – GMU CUAHSI EO2HEAVEN GeoViQua GEOWOW Hydrology GEOWOW Architecture GIS-FCU IEEE INCOSE MINES ParisTech/ ENDORSE NASA NASRDA NIWA NOAA PML PYXIS TUD-GLUES UNEP Live Univ of Tokyo Responses to AIP-5 CFP are posted CFP remains openposted
AIP-5 DM scenario Participants support Global- and regional-scale data related to disasters and vulnerabilities –Urbanization and human settlements parameters –Contributions to the GEOSS Data-CORE Services structured to encourage full participation of end-users –Countries / regions that need to be involved in the generation of their own disaster management resources Services for near real-time processing of satellite acquisitions, like near real-time satellite tasking –Deliver more dynamic disaster related product generation workflows and more responsive collaboration. –Select events for Demo capture and acquire imagery (thru AIP-5: EO-1, Radarsat, Formosat, GeoEye…)
Many activities by many players –Many ad hoc arrangements –Limited effectiveness, efficiency How new suppliers can plug in their data / services How new users can tap into these data / services What resources are shared … missing … interdependent … isolated Need to establish partnerships, standards, vocabulary, etc., in advance of disaster events Need a precise, common understanding of processes, resources, and needs Graphic based on World Economic Forum, 2011, “A vision for managing natural disaster risk: proposals for public/private stakeholder solutions,” p. 21.A vision for managing natural disaster risk: proposals for public/private stakeholder solutions Disaster Management cycle
GEOSS and CEOS coordination on DM GEO and CEOS are advancing the use of Earth Observations (EO) in Disaster Management (DM) Systems in GEOSS informing risk management and disaster reduction with EO-derived information. –Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) to describe, interconnect, capitalize, share CEOS developing GEOSS Architecture for the Use of Satellites for DM and Risk Assessment –GA.4.Disasters Coordinated GEOSS and CEOS activities
Information Viewpoint Computational Viewpoint Engineering Viewpoint Optimized Design/Development Technology Viewpoint Enterprise Viewpoint Community Objectives GEOSS Vision and Targets Societal Benefit Areas System of Systems/ Interoperability Abstract/Best Practices GEOSS AIP Architecture RM-ODP Viewpoints Earth Observations Geographic Features Spatial Referencing Metadata and Quality GEOSS Data-CORE Catalog/Registry Access and Order Processing Services Sensor Web User Identity Component Types Information Framework Use Cases Services Tutorials
Purpose, scope, structure –Disaster lifecycle phases and types – e.g., Natural: Geophysical, Hydrological, Climatological, Meteorological, Biological Manmade: Conflict, Famine, Displaced populations, Industrial / Transport Accidents –Stakeholders National/Regional DM agencies; Global data brokers; CEOS / WGISS member agencies; GEO/GEOSS; UN-SPIDER Policies / Objectives / Procedures –GEOSS data sharing principles; Interoperability arrangements –(Interoperating) System of (autonomous) Systems –More effective, efficient use of satellite data in disaster management Graphic: “Is ‘Flood Risk Management’ Identical to ‘Flood Disaster Management’?” Vanneuville et al., posted on March 21st, 2011, Earthzine on-line magazine published by IEEE and ICEO, GA.4.Disasters: Enterprise Viewpoint
Observation requirements vs. disaster types and lifecycle phases Observations by satellite sensor types Satellite data processing e.g., –Decoding raw satellite feeds –Georeferencing / georectification –Atmospheric correction –Image interpretation, feature extraction –Image resampling / tiling for interactive visualization –Image enhancement (e.g., pan sharpening) Semantics / ontologies / translation Metadata for discovery and assessing fitness-for-use Data Licensing GA.4.Disasters: Information Viewpoint
Priority service types for satellite data in disaster management –Data Access –Data Processing esp. Image Interpretation –Portrayal –Sensor Tasking –User Management esp. for sensor tasking Constraints and requirements for satellite data services in DM –Near-real-time performance –Cross-community interoperability –Easy access by a variety of users –Service-oriented approach vs. push / broadcast GA.4.Disasters: Computational Viewpoint
Conclusions, coordination with IWG-SEM Shared information: –GEOSS Data-Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (CORE) a.The data are free of restrictions on reuse; b.User registration or login to access or use the data is permitted; c.Attribution of the data provider is permitted as a condition of use; d.Marginal cost recovery charges (i.e., not greater than the cost of reproduction &distribution) are permitted. Actionable information: –Sensors Further coordinate activations (e.g. Charter Universal Access), Agencies and AIP testing and release cycles –Maps Address gaps in Capacity Building for Map-based decision making Have more timely dissemination, sustained workflows Develop collaborative tools for regional teams –Alerts New channels for early warnings Geolocation enabled alerts –Indicators Inform policies for Planning, Mitigation Recovery, Reconstruction
References GEO – GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot – – GEOSS registries and SIF –
Contacts Hervé Caumont, AIP-5 DM WG lead (OGC) George Percival, IN-05-C1 task lead (OGC)