Year 7 Homework Project Week beginning Monday 22nd June Deadline Friday 3rd July
Project overview The homework project is titled ‘ What is in a Habitat?’ Students begin by choosing a real-world habitat that is in or near where they live. They then carry out a detailed survey of this habitat and the living organisms found there For the second part, students chose one living organism that lives in this habitat. They need to undertake research and present what they have found to their Science group.
Task 1 Pick one habitat from the list (or you can pick one that is not on this list) Your garden Your local Recreation Ground A local wood The school field Your local playing field The school picnic area A local park Using any medium (poster/Word/PowerPoint etc.) to draw a map of the habitat you are studying which shows the plants in that area. On your map add a list of the animals that you see or think would live in that habitat.
Task 2 Choose an organism that lives in your habitat (it can be a plant or an animal) Prepare a short presentation (no more than 2 minutes) about your chosen organism. In your presentation you have included 5 facts about your chosen organism – these may include a picture, what it eats (or how a plant gets its energy), what eats it and how it is adapted for survival in your chosen habitat.
Marking Criteria Marking Point12345 You can have chosen a habitat and drawn a map of the area. You can explain what the conditions in your chosen habitat are like –e.g. temperature, light levels You have added the animals and plants to your map that would be found in your habitat You have made a presentation that contains 5 facts about one living organism in your habitat. Your presentation lasts no more than 2 minutes long. Total marks/25