Standard 2.2 for Communication Arts Resource Packet
Jana Scott, MAP Facilitator, Heart of MO-RPDC, University of MO-Columbia, Standard 2.2 This standard is assessed through multiple-choice items on the TerraNova. At the upper levels (Grades 4 on up) students are presented with text containing numbered sentences followed by multiple-choice questions that deal with grammar, punctuation, editing, and usage. Spelling is usually assessed by multiple-choice questions that give four choices and ask which word is/is not spelled correctly.
Jana Scott, MAP Facilitator, Heart of MO-RPDC, University of MO-Columbia, Sample Questions for 2.2 (1) I have a wonderful friend. (2) Instead of telling you her real name, “I’ll call her “Emily.” (3) We have been friends ever since kindergarten. (4) Last year, Emilty started waning to borrow my things all the time. (5) She borrowed things like a shirt, a hat, a game, and a necklace. (6) I always let her borrow what she asked for I wanted to be nice, (7) But then I noticed that she was not giving back the things she had borrowed! (8) I asked Emily to give my things back and return the thing she had borrowed. (9) Emily said that she couldn’t remember what she had borrowed. (10) One I had to borrow some money from my teacher. (11) I made a list and gave it to her. (12) The next day she brought back only one thing. (13) It was a dirty T-shirt. 15. Which of these does NOT belong in the story? a.Sentence 4 b.Sentence 9 c.Sentence 10 d.Sentence What is the BEST way to write sentence 6 without changing the meaning? a.Always, I have …. b.I have always… c.Since I have always … d.Although I wanted… Example from Virginia Dept of Education
Jana Scott, MAP Facilitator, Heart of MO-RPDC, University of MO-Columbia, Example Continued….. 17) How can sentences 12 and 13 BEST be joined? a)The only thing…. b)The next day… c)She brought… d)The only one… 18) Which sentence says the same thing twice? a)Sentence 3 b)Sentence 7 c)Sentence 8 d)Sentence 12
Jana Scott, MAP Facilitator, Heart of MO-RPDC, University of MO-Columbia, MAP-like Multiple-Choice Questions for Standard 2.2 Stimulus: A paragraph with numbered sentences. – Choose the sentence that best concludes the paragraph. (Answer choices) – Choose the sentence that best fits the blank in the paragraph. (Answer choices) – Choose the sentence that does not belong in the paragraph. (Answer Choices) – Choose the best way to combine sentences 7 and 8. (Answer choices)
Other Examples of 2.2 The cat is the ___________ of all. brave bravest braver O O O Find the sentence that is written correctly. OIn the field, horses running. OMany horses altogether. OThe prettiest of all the horses. O A black horse is running. Find the part of the sentence that has a mistake. If all parts are correct, mark None. We live in / a small house in / kansas city. None O O O O
7 MAP-like Practice For 2.2 Virginia: English Writing Tests /Assessment/releasedtest.html Texas: Released Tests nt.assessment/resources/release /taks/index.html Classroom Connections to TerraNova, The Second Edition by CTB McGraw-Hill