Support Systems for Emergency Response Kranjska gora, februar 2013
event location capture navigation to event location distribution and management of field units instrumentary support at the event location information support at the event location monitoring and management of event location completion of event event report dispatch center vehicle support units
from address map-based physical location on 3D map dispatch center event location capture management of event work timeline of activities activity analysis final report timeline of activities activity analysis final report receiving information from event location: - data from the airborne unit - data from rescue vessels - data from video based monitoring systems - meteorological data - data from field laboratories - overview and dispatchment of GIS data receiving information from field units: - field units positions and additional data - surveillance over individual units area capture around event location (affected zones,...) querry number of residents within the concerned area hazardous substances within the concerned area receiving information from event location: - data from the airborne unit - data from rescue vessels - data from video based monitoring systems - meteorological data - data from field laboratories - overview and dispatchment of GIS data receiving information from field units: - field units positions and additional data - surveillance over individual units area capture around event location (affected zones,...) querry number of residents within the concerned area hazardous substances within the concerned area Event location from address Map-based physical location on 3D map Event location from emergency call center/automatic alarm systems Event location from address Map-based physical location on 3D map Event location from emergency call center/automatic alarm systems emergency call location from emergency call center/automatic alarm systems emergency call location from emergency call center/automatic alarm systems completion of event
vehicle navigation to the event location first hand information from evente location fire safety plans data on hydrants, water supply network and other geospatial data IR and visual cameras mobile laboratory data from dispatch center and command vehicle navigation fire safety plan real-time traffic information (road congestions, closures, …) DEVIATION
command vehicle navigation to the event location units management snapview of event location data dispatch to units on field displays hydrants, road closures and any additional Information available VISUAL CAMERA IR CAMERA airborne unit data data from dispatch center mobile hybrid IR – visual cam fire safety plan mobile weather station
airborne unit IR data on DEM layer forest fire diffusion automatic IR data computation
hybrid sistem of IR and visual camera
navigation to the event location location and sonar data rescue vessel live/on-field database of underwater objects command field unit
work should be more... EFFICIENT and SAFE fire & resuce service deserves every available data and technology
our systems are... EASY TO USE fire fighters should fight fire not icons on computer
our systems are... COST EFFECTIVE solid system from less than €
thank you for your time and attention Harpha Sea, d.o.o. Koper Čevljarska Koper Slovenia