Guidelines for Promoting Sustainability and Institutionalization of Civic Education Programs
How can we make a long-term impact?
The Goal Institutionalization of comprehensive civic education programs in a nation’s schools that fosters the development of a political culture supportive of human rights and democracy
Means to Attain the Goal Initiate exemplary programs Demonstrate their effectiveness Build a critical mass of educators, civil society actors, and government officials to support implementation Develop and implement a comprehensive indigenous program
Developing support for institutionalization Determine where decision-making power lies (centralized/decentralized) Identify “gatekeepers” Identify potential “champions” Develop ways to influence gatekeepers directly and indirectly Foster government and/or NGO capacity to administer the program
Specific Steps to Gain Support from Gatekeepers and Champions Locating pilot programs in schools with which gatekeepers are affiliated Asking gatekeepers to observe and/or take part in the program (judges, etc.) Locating programs in areas where there are parents who might become champions Media coverage of gatekeeper involvement
Specific Steps to Gain Support from Gatekeepers and Champions (continued) Bringing gatekeepers to the US or to the World Congress Taking gatekeepers to other nations to observe the program Inviting gatekeepers to regional meetings Bringing delegations from other nations to meet with gatekeepers or provide technical assistance
Ways to foster government and/or NGO capacity to administer the program Promote the adoption of legislation mandating the program and providing the resources necessary for implementation Develop a grassroots network Develop a coalition of supportive public and private sector agencies Develop the capacity of an NGO to sustain the implementation of the program
Elements of a comprehensive indigenous civic education program Standards Curriculum framework Required courses Curricular materials Teacher education Leadership and network training Assessment Credentialing