Brian Kantor for Nexia; Cape Town May 28 th The SA economy and its financial markets Making sense of a complicated environment
Donald Rumsfeld’s inimitable observations (about Iraq not the global credit and banking crisis) “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know” (What have been driving markets) “There are known unknowns That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know” (For example how banks will look in a year’s time and how this will influence opportunities in credit markets. Or where Emerging Markets will be in 12 months- or what will happen top SA tax rates) But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know. (The truly scary stuff) Was the credit crisis a unknown-unknown 24 months ago?
Key issues The SA economy - will government spending, interest rates and the rand do enough for the economy? The rand – does it make sense? US interest rates and credit spreads- the banking crisis identified – and overcome. Relief in sight for credit markets and the US economy?? The equity markets – risk and returns. Will risks retreat and equity valuations improve?
The vehicle cycle and short term interest rates – interest rates kept going up regardless of economic weakness
The state of the SA economy
The second derivative- turning down rather than up
The real money base cycle- quantitative easing needed
Consumer and Producer Prices- in different directions
CPI and PPI Inflation
Net government loan to GDP ratio a great strength – we did squirrel away in the good years
The SA yield curve – portending gradual recovery
RSA expected short rates as per FRA curve- big move in response to GDP numbers
SA Banks still paying up for 12 month money – but paying less
The US Yield Curve- dramatic recent moves – the slope has never been steeper
The Forward Rate Agreements (FRA’s)
The SA risk premium = expected rand depreciation
The SA sovereign risk premium declining rapidly
The trade weighted rand- more than holding its own
The rand cost of an AUD
The rand close to predicted value. Predicted value R8.29
All that glisters is gold – though signs of a recovery in the metal and mineral markets- Oil also up on recovery prospects
Behind the crisis. US interest rates- increases after 2005 did very little to mortgage rates – and so to the housing market
The credit crisis identified; US Corporate bond spreads
Libor spreads USD – have come in sharply
3 month sterling LIBOR and LIBOR spread
US corporate cost of borrowing – approaching normality
No longer a bear market rally- a rally period – but still well off the highs of a year ago
A long run view of the VIX
Uncertainty in the stock markets The Vix and the SAVI – telling us about the unknowns
Daily moves in the Vix and the S&P Correlation (-0.86) Risks lead prices follow
Daily moves the JSE and the MSCI EM the umbilical chord Correlation of daily moves (0.74)
Volatility on the JSE- financials became as risky as resources
Volatility on the JSE – resources and financials
Model of monthly moves in JSE USD value- drivers – earnings, EM and SA risk
12 MONTH CUMULATIVE RETURNS R100 invested May 1 st 2008
The Findi earnings cycle
The dividend gap - value screams out