ENC 1102 Agenda for January 22 Daily Objective: To understand the rules for success in Writing about Literature Daily Assignments: Go over syllabus and guidebook Pass out books (if they are here) “New” students: Pass out Addendum Guidebook on what you missed last semester Go over study hall dates to meet with me (Jan. 27 and 29 in media center) Take quiz on winter reading Homework: “Writing about Literature” Handout on p. 28 of Guidebook and Cornell Notes Outline on “Writing about a Story”; also remember to turn in your Summer/Winter Reading Journal tonight to by 11:59 pmwww.turnitin.com “Experienced” students: Complete “Writing about Literature” Handout on p. 28 of Guidebook after reading chapter on “Writing about Literature” Read “Writing about a Story” and do Cornell Notes Outline on “Writing about a Story” Read from Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary and come up with your own satirical definitions in a group; you will share your “best” definitions with the class
ENC 1102 Agenda for January 24 Daily Objective: To understand satire and be able to write a satire Daily Assignments: Show me Chpt. 41 and 42 Homework Watch clip from The Onion Read “A Modest Proposal” Write a modern “Modest Proposal” using instructions on p. 25. We will work on this in Rm.214 (1A,2A) or Rm. 222F (3A). It is due Monday, Jan. 24 at 11:59 pm. Pass out books as you work on Modest Proposal Reminder: Students new to class need to join me during study hall on Monday and Wednesday.
AP Agenda for Jan. 21/22 Daily Objective: To understand how to be even more successful on taking an AP exam. Daily Assignments: Pass out midterm exam and your results (and PSAT Results, if applicable) Go over the following assignments: Reflection on midterm template (due at end of period) Final Draft of AP Midterm Essay (done in-class Thurs/Friday; due Friday at 11:59 pm) Peer Editing of AP Midterm Essay (done in class next Mon/Tues; due Tues. 11:59 pm) 10 grammar exercises (done in class this week) Go over the multiple choice passages Go over sample essays and scoring from midterm If time, begin to work on grammar exercises
AP Agenda for Jan. 23/24 Daily Objective: To improve writing by working on grammar and usage skills. Daily Assignments: Work on Final Draft of AP Midterm Essay p. 298; it is due Jan. 24 at 11:59 pm If done early, begin working on 10 grammar exercises Please return Walden books next week. You should highly consider taking words out of it for your definitions before you turn it in.