Activity 3 Combining related experiences and outcomes What do I know already?What would I like to learn? How will I learn? How will I share my learning?
CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s)
Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s)
Activity 3 Combining related experiences and outcomes What do I know already? I know we are polluting the atmosphere. I know we have to sort our rubbish for collection. I have heard about global warming. What would I like to learn? How we are damaging our planet. How different materials are recycled or reused. How at local, national and international level, we are taking steps to look after our planet. What will happen to our planet if we don’t look after it. How will I learn? Research from a range of different types of sources to find out the environmental impact of our behaviour and any particular issues of current concern. Make contact with my local council to find out how they encourage citizens to look after our environment. Invite contact to my school to talk to pupils at our school assembly. Interview contact to find out their views on the success of the approaches taken. Carry out a survey of local residents to find out how involved they are in looking after their environment. Work with contact to plan a campaign which will encourage pupils to look after their environment. How will I share my learning? Set up tasks groups to organise various aspects of a campaign: Design and create posters/fliers using different media and decide where they are to be displayed/distributed both within my school and my local community ; Script, dramatise and visually record an advertisement; Compose a song, chant or rap using musical instruments and voice, record this and rehearse for live performance during march and assembly; Organise a march with banners. Organise an assembly to present information gathered and to inform other pupils, parents and other members of the local community about the aspects of the campaign and how they can look after our environment. What can we do to look after our world?
CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Using what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select and sort information from a variety of sources and use this for different purposes. LIT 214Q As I listen or watch, I can take notes, organise these under suitable headings and use these to understand ideas and information and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate LIT 205E I can make notes, organise these under suitable headings and use these to understand information, develop my thinking, explore problems and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 215R Activity Investigate the ways in which we are damaging our planet. CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) To help me develop an informed view, I can distinguish fact from opinion and I am learning to recognise when my sources try to influence me and how useful these are. LIT 208H To help me develop an informed view, I can identify and explain the difference between fact and opinion, recognise when I am being influenced and have assessed how useful and believable my sources are. LIT 218U Activity Investigate how at local, national and international level, we are taking steps to look after our planet. CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to literal, inferential, evaluative and other types of questions and by asking different kinds of questions of my own. LIT 207G To show my understanding, I can respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other close reading tasks and can create different kinds of questions of my own. ENG 217T Activity Investigate what will happen to our planet if we don’t look after it. Activity Investigate how different materials are recycled or reused. CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, main ideas and supporting detail contained within the text. LIT 204D To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose and main ideas of my text and use supporting detail. LIT 216S What can we do to look after our world?
CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) I take advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT Overarching Experience I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 206F By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 225AC Activity Select an appropriate way to share information about the way in which we are damaging our planet. CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) Activity Select an appropriate way to encourage others to look after our local community. CfE Literacy Experience(s)/ Outcome(s) I appreciate the power of language to influence and bring about change. Overarching Experience I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my reader. LIT 223AA I am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and/or influences my reader. ENG 226AD I can persuade, argue, explore issues or express an opinion using relevant supporting detail and/or evidence LIT 228AF What can we do to look after our world?