University of Palestine International Faculty of Engineering Environmental Sciences Course
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 2 Course Syllabus Introduction to Environmental Sciences Instructor Information Name of Instructor: Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda, Post-Doc. Mobile: Course Information: Course: Prerequisite: None Quadmester: 1st Class Web site (Class Video Conference Site): Class location (Campus): Gaza, Ramallah, Amman
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 3 Course Description: The course includes: Environmental problems, their causes and impacts. Principles of ecology, matter, energy and life Climate change and air pollution Water resources and pollution Solid and hazardous wastes. Environmental impact assessment. Course Syllabus
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 4 Course Materials - Text book: - PowerPoint slides - Internet Audio broadcast - Other (field trips) Course Textbook: Basics of Environmental Science, Michael Allaby, 2nd edition Routledge:UK, Course work: Student grades are calculated according to their performance in the following course work: Assignments and homework20% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam50% Course Syllabus
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 5 Grading: Final grade can be determined according to the university academic system. Attendance Policy Students are expected to adhere to the university attendance policy Course Syllabus
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 6 Course Syllabus Assignments DueTopicDate Understanding our Environment1 st week 1 st ass postedEnvironmental geology and earth2 nd week Principles of ecology, matter and life3 rd week 1 st ass due, Project work posted Population, communities4 th week Air pollution and climate change5 th week Midterm exam6 th week Project work due, 2 nd ass posted Water resources and water pollution7 th week Solid and hazardous wastes8 th week
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 7 Course Syllabus 2 nd ass due Food and Agriculture and environmental health9 th week Environmental impact assessment 10 th week Final Exam11 th week
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 8 Environmental Sciences ? The 2nd part of the 20th century (major changes in science branches and new branches). Famous sciences are electronics and environment. Conflict between industrial and environmental parties!!!
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 9 What is the Environment? The environment is something you are very familiar with. It's everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth-the air we breathe, the water that covers most of the earth's surface, the plants and animals around us, and much more. In recent years, scientists have been carefully examining the ways that people affect the environment. They have found that we are causing water and air pollution, deforestation, acid rain, and other problems that are dangerous both to the earth and to ourselves.
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 10 Ecology: the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment. the study of the interactions (with both the physical environment and other organisms) that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms. Definitions
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 11 Environment: the sum total of all physical and biological factors influencing a particular organism. the external physical and biological factors which influence growth, survivorship, development and reproduction of organisms. If blank checks were money, we would all immediately be rich since we can obtain just about all the blank checks that we wish. Definitions
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 12 What is the nucleus of your environment? What are the components of your environment ? what is the boundary of your environment? Nucleus of Environment
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 13 "YOU" are the nucleus of your environment. The components of your physical environment are your family, friends, enemies, trees, water, air, soil, sun, moon, bacteria, insects, rodents, birds, dogs, cats, rats, bats etc. etc. and the components of your social environment are science, technology, religion, politics, traditions, Culture and customs and above all the maturity of your mind. Nucleus of Environment
University Of Palestine International ENVI005 Dr.-Eng. Hasan Hamouda 14 The boundary of your environment or your town or city or district as the boundary. As man has already started affecting the global climate, the need of the hour is to dedicate ourselves to safeguard our environment without limiting ourselves to the narrow household or town or country but extending it to the whole universe. Nucleus of Environment