Objectives I will know what earthquakes are and how they are monitored on Earth. I will know how volcanoes are formed and what types of volcanoes are located on the Earth. I will be able to analyze graphs and data to draw conclusions about earthquakes. I will be able to utilize text tagging strategies to discover how earthquakes can be related to volcanic activity.
Different Types of Volcanoes Shield Volcanoes Shield volcanoes are built of layers of lava released from repeated non- explosive eruptions. Example: Hawaii
Different Types of Volcanoes Cinder Cone Volcanoes Cinder cone volcanoes are made of pyroclastic material usually produced from moderately explosive eruptions. Paricutin Mexico
Different Types of Volcanoes Composite Volcanoes (stratovolcanoes) are one of the most common types of volcanoes. They form from explosive eruptions of pyroclastic material followed by quieter flows of lava. Mt. Saint Helen’s