Earthquakes and Volcanoes Study Guide
Faults Normal Fault: Plate boundary- divergent Stress- tension Reverse Fault: Plate boundary- convergent Stress- compaction Strike-slip Fault: Plate boundary- transform Stress- shear
Seismic Waves P waves: Primary waves Come first Back and forth motion Travel through Solids and Liquids S waves: Secondary waves Sideways or side to side motion Travel through solids only Surface waves: Waves on Earth’s surface Cause the most damage Circular movement
Focus/Epicenter Focus: Starts deep within the earth along the fault line Right where the rupture occurs Epicenter: Point directly above the focus, on the surface of the Earth
Hot Spots Areas on Earth’s mantle where high temperature causes sections of Earth to rise Heat melts the rock that is forced to the surface Form away from plate boundaries Examples: Hawaii, Yellowstone
Composite Volcano Eruption: Alternate between explosive and non-explosive eruptions Sometimes runny lava, sometime pyroclastic material type lava Wide base/steep sides Most dangerous Alternate between explosive and non-explosive eruptions Most dangerous
Cinder Cone Volcano Smallest, but most explosive Lava that breaks up and shoots into the air (pyroclastic material) Magma is viscous Most common volcano
Shield Volcano Very wide, but shallow/gradual slope Runny lava Non-explosive Get their name from a warriors shield Ex: Mt. Eta