Tuesday: bring calculator
Mt. St. Helens: A Case Study from 1980 Photo pre-eruption
Mt. St. Helens: Volcanic Precursors Tremors around the mountain
Mt. St. Helens: Volcanic Precursors Harmonic tremors are different from tectonic movements
Mt. St. Helens: March 20 Quakes triggered snow avalanches
Mt. St. Helens: March Earthquake activity dramatically increases
Mt. St. Helens: March 27 Dark ash blankets the top of the mountain: Phreatic eruption
Mt. St. Helens: March 27 Phreatic eruption = steam related, with ash Magma+ groundwater = explosion
Mt. St. Helens: March 27 Crater is formed
Mt. St. Helens: March explosions occur Ash landslides
Mt. St. Helens: March 31 Harry Truman refuses to leave
Mt. St. Helens: April 1 Huge crater develops: 200 feet deep and growing 4/3/80: 1500’ wide, 300’ deep
Mt. St. Helens: April 7-April 11 Now a bulge develops on the side of the volcano
Mt. St. Helens: April 7-April 11 And yet the crater keeps growing: 500’ deep
Mt. St. Helens: April Bulge is still there, but explosions cease on 4/26… is it over, or is the pressure building? 4/29: nearly 1 mile across
The Bulge: March 29 through May 2
May 7: Explosions resume, end May 15 May 17…
Eruption Warnings: Volcanic Precursors Small changes in summit elevations or slope steepness can be observed by lasers of tiltmeters
Mt. St. Helens Case Study Last eruption: 1857 Activity begins in March Eruption occurred in May
Mt. St. Helens
Volcanic Precursors Harmonic tremors Ground swelling or tilting Emitting steam and gases Increased ground temperatures Small phreatic eruptions (water)
Ground swelling