Do you know the identity of the following riddle? “A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.”
How does our body maintain its internal conditions despite stresses placed on our body by our environment?
Students will be able to……. Design a controlled experiment to determine the role that cell boundaries play in separating the internal environment from the external environment
1.Bell-ringer 2.Intro Cells in Action 3.Begin an Eggs-periment 4.Wrap-Up
Unit 1 make-up exam Tuesday after school at 3:15 in room 315
Respond to the following prompts silently on a half sheet of paper: 1.What was the most important thing you learned today about cells? 2.What was the most important thing you learned today about the scientific process?
Complete the Experimental Design questions on the handout you just received silently by yourself. Then re-read the procedure for the experiment we are setting up today.
How does our body maintain its internal conditions despite stresses placed on our body by our environment?
Students will be able to……. Design a controlled experiment to determine the role that cell boundaries play in separating the internal environment from the external environment Observe a video segment to determine how cells behave in different types of solutions
1. Review Lab Expectations 2.Set up Eggs-periment 3.Investigate different types of solutions 4.Begin graph 5.Wrap-Up
Unit 1 make-up exam Tuesday after school at 3:15 in room 315 I will be out tomorrow. You will complete a Metacognitive reading log in class that I will check on Thursday
CONVERSATION Up to level 2 Only about assignment Only with your group members HELP Red cup = emergency question Yellow cup = can wait question Blue cup = no question Continue working while you wait Ask 3 before me MOVEMENT Acceptable reasons: Hand in/pick up materials Restroom (only with pass) PARTICIPATION Writing or doing what lab requires Talking only with group about lab Following directions the first time Cleaning up when finished
Finish setting up your graph. Due Thursday.
Based on the essay “Compartments” on p , respond silently to the following prompt: Why is our body considered a compartment with many smaller compartments? Reading log p will be checked next time I collect your notebooks.
How does our body maintain its internal conditions despite stresses placed on our body by our environment?
Students will be able to……. Design a controlled experiment to determine the role that cell boundaries play in separating the internal environment from the external environment
1.Bell-ringer 2.Review reading logs 3. Review lab expectations 4. Finish collecting data 5. Clean-up 6. Finish graph/Analyze data
What do I need to complete today? 1.Take final mass of your egg. Determine change in mass of your egg. 2.Complete class data table. 3.Answer Graph questions. 4.Set up graph. 5.Answer Data Summary/Analysis questions.
CONVERSATION Up to level 2 Only about assignment Only with your group members HELP Red cup = emergency question Yellow cup = can wait question Blue cup = no question Continue working while you wait Ask 3 before me MOVEMENT Acceptable reasons: Hand in/pick up materials Restroom (only with pass) PARTICIPATION Writing or doing what lab requires Talking only with group about lab Following directions the first time Cleaning up when finished
Finish graphing your data and class data. Finish data analysis questions
Read the 2 sample conclusions silently. As you read make notes in your notebook about what you find good about each conclusion and what needs improvement.
How does our body maintain its internal conditions despite stresses placed on our body by our environment?
Students will be able to……. Summarize the results of their experiment in a well written conclusion using the MELCon structure
1.Discuss sample conclusions 2.Write your MELCon lab report conclusion
Typed, complete lab reports including conclusion due Tuesday Attach lab report worksheets to back of report Attach rubric to front of report