Our beautiful earth Do you love to live here? Why? Environment Our beautiful earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Our beautiful earth

Do you love to live here? Why? Environment Our beautiful earth

What is the environment? It is the place where people, animals and plants live. It is the natural world.

When we talk about “the environment”, what words will come to your mind? harmony / harmonious peace / peaceful destruction / destructive pollution disaster protection environmentalists

Compared with the last few years, do you think the environment is getting better or worse? What might be the reasons for the changes?

Sandstorm Everything was covered with sand. It looks like a bomb exploding not far away.

Deforestation A photo from the Amazon area Many tropical rain forests were cut down in order to be developed into farmlands.

Household wastes In China millions of tons of household wastes are produced every day.

Huai River in china The Michigan Lake in the USA Water pollution

The automobiles are piping out all kinds of waste gas into the atmosphere. We always can see heavy smoke piped from the tall and ugly chimneys. Air pollution

All theses problems are concerned with the environment and they are caused by nature or by man. And with the development of economy, it seems that some of these problems are becoming worse and worse. Is that true? Let’s read an article about that!

The economy or the environment must we choose ?

What is the writing style of the article? A debate Reading strategy The economy or the environment must we choose ?

What is the order of a debate? The order of the debate: One side presents his points. The other side presents his points. Open discussion

What should we pay attention to when we read or listen to a debate? The two sides present opposite views and they are meant to convince you. We should not make a final decision until we have read or listened to both sides completely and understood all the arguments made by each side.

Fast reading The topic:_____________________________ TV presenter: _________________ One side speaker: ______________ He’s an ________ He thinks economic development is____ for the environment The other side speaker: ______________ He’s a _______________ He thinks economic development does not have to be bad for the_________. The environment or the economy? Ms. Lin Shuiqing Mr. Qian Liwei James Long environmentalist business development consultant bad environment

Careful reading Read what Mr.Lin Shuiqing said and then answer the following questions 1.As a result of the chemical waste, what has happened? 2. What’s the effect of water pollution? 3.By how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800?What’s the population now? 4.According to Mr. Lin, what should be done about the production? 5.What has become a big problem? What should we do?

1. As a result of the chemical waste, what has happened? Many places have been destroyed and many plants and animals have died.

The waste goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick.

Some waste flows into our water, killing river and sea life. 2. What’s the effect of water pollution?

3.By how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800? What’s the population now? 4.According to Ms. Lin, what should be done about the production? Six times. About 7 billion We should cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy.

5.What has become a big problem? What should we do? The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem. We should increase the amount of waste we recycle and teach people ways of living that do not harm the environment.

Read what Mr.Qian Liwei said and then answer the following questions. 1.When people think of factories,What will they think of? 2.How can a healthy environment and a stable economy be possible at the same time? 3. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back ? 4. What kind of laws do we need?

1.When people think of factories, what do they think of? They think of clouds of dirty smoke or pipes pouring chemical waste into rivers.

2.When people think of factories, what will they think of? They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities and only worrying about money.

3.How can a healthy environment and development be possible at the same time? There are many factories and industries which control the amount of pollution they produce and are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause.

4. Why does Qian Liwei think production should not be cut back ? 5. What kind of laws do we need? We need better laws to preserve the environment and still allow our country to grow. Jobs will be lost and people are more important than fish and trees.

Consolidation Fill in the table below Debate topic:The economy or the environment -----must we choose? SpeakersLin ShuiqingQian Liwei OpinionsThe environment is being damaged A healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time

Speakers Lin Shuiqing Qian Liwei Argume nts chemical______ :it has destroyed many places and caused many plants and animals to die. ______ : Too many fish are caught Population: The world’s population has _____ fast Factories: Many factories are ______ about the environment. Production: Cutting back on the production may make people lose_____. Recycling: Try to make more things from ________ materials. Laws: ________laws should be passed. Taxes: Those who pollute the environment should pay _____ taxes. _______ Production: People should try to cut back on_______. Recycling: It will be good for the environment waste Fishing concerned jobs recycled Better Suggestions higher grown production

最近,李华学校就发展经济与环境保护问题 举行了一次辩论会,下面是辩论会的内容,请你 给他远在美国的笔友 Tom 发一封电子邮件,如实 反映辩论会的内容,并发表自己就这个问题的看 法 (2-3 条 ) ,字数 150 左右。Writing

Say something to call on people to live in an environmentally friendly way. Discussion

1.Do you think it is possible to achieve a balance between the economy and the environment? 2.How can this be achieved? Discussion

1. We could educate people to respect and protect the environment. 2. We could urge factories that produce large amounts of waste to build a system to purify the waste and minimize the damage to the environment. 3.We could urge the government to pass stricter laws to protect the environment. 4.We could produce strict laws to preserve the environment. 5. We could create a system to deal with the waste and rubbish scientifically.

1. Have a debate next class on Examinations do more harm than good. 2. Preview the language points in the debate. Homework:

有一些同学认为: 减少生产, 高度重视环境保护 另外一部分同学认为: 发展经济, 健康的环境可以与稳定的经 济共存 1. 随处排放废物,导致了大量 动物和植物的死亡。 2. 排放到大气层中的废气导致 人们生病 3. 大量猎杀海洋生物,这对它 们的数量造成了持续的影响 4. 生育越来越多的人,数量 已经达到了 70 亿之多 1. 人比动植物重要,若减少 生产,许多人将会失业 2. 经营工厂的人很关心环境, 很用心的投入资金修复由 他们引起的破坏。不应视 之为仇敌 3. 可以采用一些措施,比如, 用循环材料生产更多的物 品;颁布法律来保护环境; 迫使污染环境的厂家支付 高额的税务。 你的看法 : … ( 可选用书上文章中的句子 ) Dear Tom: Our school hold a heated debate some days ago, we students have different attitudes towards the problem whether we should develop our economy or preserve our environment.

Representation( 呈现 ) Writing

Dear Tom: our school hold a heated debate some days ago, we students have different attitudes towards the problem whether we should develop our economy or preserve our environment. Some students hold the idea that we should attach great importance to the environmental preservation and we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. To begin with, factories poured industrial waste everywhere. As a result, it has caused the great death of animals and plants. The second is that the waste they create goes into the atmosphere and makes people sick. In addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by we human beings. What’s worse, the population, whose figure is now approaching 6.5 billion, is becoming larger and larger. And it means we need more land to live on and more food to eat. However, the others state that a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time. First of all, people are more important than fish and trees. If we cut back on the amount of things we produce, many people may lost jobs. Moreover, the people running the factories are very concerned about the environment,and they are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause. Thus, we need to stop thinking of them as our enemies. Besides, we can take some effective measures. For example, we can produce more things from recycled materials ; we can introduce laws to preserve the environment ; We can ask the factories which pollute the environment to pay higher taxes as well.

what I’m here to say is that both environment and economy are of great importance to us. I do agree when we develop our economy, we should pay great attention to our environmental preservation. If so, we can build a harmonious society.

Environmental protection is important not only for environmentalist, but also for the entire world. There are many different environmental problems, like global warming …. Conclusion

Some students hold the idea that we should attach great importance to the environmental preservation and we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. To begin with, factories poured industrial waste everywhere. As a result, it has caused the great death of animals and plants. The second is that the waste they create goes into the atmosphere and makes people sick. In addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by we human beings. What’s worse, the population, whose figure is now approaching 6.5 billion, is becoming larger and larger. And it means we need more land to live on and more food to eat.

However, the others state that a heathy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time. First of all, people are more important than fish and trees. If we cut back on the amount of things we produce, many people may lost jobs. Moreover, the people running the factories are very concerned about the environment,and they are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause. Thus, we need to stop thinking of them as our enemies. Besides, we can take some effective measures. For example, we can produce more things from recycled materials ; we can introduce laws to preserve the environment ; We can ask the factories which pollute the environment to pay higher taxes as well.