Goal 12 Part 1 Nixon / Ford / Carter
Nixon Administration ( ) “Law & Order” politics - return America into a more “ordered” country - stop all of the student protests / etc. - to do this = sometimes illegal action took place (wire taps)
Nixon and New Federalism (YOU NEED TO KNOW THESE) New Federalism:*downsizing the power and strength of the federal government take the power out of the federal government and give it to the state and local governments Revenue Sharing Bill: (giving more financial freedom to local governments) state and local government can spend it anyway they want to (within reason)
Controversy over “Busing” ******************************************************** Swann Vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971) - integration of schools through “BUSING” - Busses can drive students to other schools to end “patterns” of all white or all A.A. schools - RE-ENFORCING THE BROWN DECISION *Nixon HATES the Warren Court (Conservative) (LIBERAL)
Stagflation / Bad Economy / OPEC & Yom Kippur War Stagflation – high inflation and high unemployment ( = War ? Coincidence???) Deficit Spending will pay for it (just like New Deal) Problem: U.S. depends on foreign oil TOO MUCH!!!!! (MIDDLE EAST) ****OPEC**** – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries\ - Oil Cartel (organization) 1960s – this organization gradually raised oil prices Yom Kippur War broke out (Egypt ATTACKS Israel) America supports Israel – upsets other Arab countries and cuts off oil supplies to America through OPEC OPEC in 1974 (quadrupled prices for U.S.) – hurt inflation even more!!!
Nixon’s Foreign Policy More flexible approach to Containment (Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ) DÉTENTE (Nixon’s foreign policy) PURPOSE: EASE COLD WAR TENSIONS between the two superpowers (still anti-communist) *First president to believe in détente
Nixon visits China and Soviet Union Nixon visits China THEN Soviet Union ****SALT I Treaty**** - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks signed in 1972 between the U.S. and S.U. (NIXON) Example of Détente
Watergate Scandal WATERGATE SCANDAL: - Nixon and helpers “SECRETLY” taped the Democrats by breaking into the Democratic Headquarters Result: NIXON & his VP Spiro Agnew RESIGNED! 1974 – 1,300 pages of “edited” transcripts - Investigators wanted the “Unedited” transcripts - Supreme Court “ORDERS” Nixon to release the unedited tapes “I am not a crook”
Effects / Results of Watergate “Executive Privileges” DO NOT EXIST American cynicism / skepticism against the federal government Nixon’s resignation Ford’s Presidency
Gerald Ford (3 Things) (1974 – 1976) Appointed president AFTER Nixon (ONLY President that WAS NOT elected!) (1) ***** Ford’s “PARDON” of Nixon ***** - pardon on ALL charges brought up on Nixon! (2) ***** Whip Inflation Now = W.I.N.***** - Asked Americans to “Cut back” on the use of oil and gas - UNSUCCESSFUL (3) **** Helsinki Accords (1975) **** - 35 countries, including the U.S., sign this to promote greater cooperation between Western and Eastern Europe (satellite nations)
Jimmy Carter ( ) “I will never tell a lie to the American people” DOMESTIC AGENDA: ENERGY!! National Energy Act – placed a tax on gas guzzling cars and urged American oil industries to find alternative sources of energy Effect: slightly reduced our dependence on foreign oil **********Not Reelected in 1980 because of the Iran Hostage Crisis*******************
Carter and Civil Rights Regents of University of California V. Bakke (1978) - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS are legal *race and gender can be a factor but(no quotas) What is Affirmative Action? Side Effect??? ________________
Three Mile Island March, 1979, Nuclear reactor outside of Philadelphia melted down causing radiation leaks! (NUCLEAR ENERGY) * Worst NUCLEAR disaster in U.S. History RESULT : INCREASED “REGULATION” ON THE USE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear Regulatory Act
Camp David Accords (1978) (BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT) Peace talks with Egypt (Anwar el-Sadat) and Israel (Menechem Begin) and Carter Remember Yom Kippur War (Israel v. Egypt) Jimmy Carter – a way to ease confrontation in the between Egypt and Israel *First time Israel is going to be recognized by Egypt
SALT II Treaty (CARTER) Signed by Carter and Soviet Union Soviet Union “INVADES” Afghanistan U.S. Senate NEVER ratifies it Remember: SALT I Treaty = NIXON (Successful) SALT II Treaty = CARTER (Failure)
Iran Hostage Crisis (1979) Iranian revolution led by citizens 52 American hostages were taken Hostage crisis led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (Iranian revolutionary) *Carter supported the Iranian Government…not the rev.) Ronald Reagan (elected in 1980) helped release the hostages in 1981! *The IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS caused Carter to not get reelected
NIXON FORD CARTER Nixon ( ) (1) Law and Order (2) New Federalism & Revenue Sharing (3) Détente (4) Stagflation (5) OPEC / Yom Kippur War (6) SALT I Treaty (7) Watergate (executive privilege) Ford ( ) (1) Pardon of Nixon (2) Whip Inflation Now (WIN) (3) Helsinki Accords Carter ( ) (1) Energy (2) Camp David Accords (3) Iran Hostage Crisis