-process of DNA making copies -role of enzymes in copying DNA 12.2 Replication of DNA WHAT YOU WILL LEARN -process of DNA making copies -role of enzymes in copying DNA -leading and lagging strands in DNA replication
READING Q’s 1-LIST: -the 3 phases of semi-conservative replication 1-unwinding/unzipping 2-base pairing 3-joining
3-VOC: -enzyme protein/catalyst—allows reactions to occur READING Q’s 3-VOC: -enzyme protein/catalyst—allows reactions to occur
READING Q’s 4-IDENTIFY: -Circle the names of the 4 enzymes involved in the process of semi-conservative replication.
READING Q’s 5-COMPARE -Name one difference between eukaryotic DNA replication and prokaryotic DNA replication. prokaryotic DNA: -circular -opens at single place in circle -replication occurs in both directions
GROUP WORK: GUIDED NOTES -As a cooperative group: -complete the guided note sheet -using your knowledge from the reading
VOCABULARY REVIEW: template -pattern used to make copies -in DNA is a pattern for replicating a new DNA molecule replicate -to copy
VOCABULARY IDENTIFY: terms that fit definitions: 1-___________ -unwinds in multiple areas as DNA is replicated 2-___________ -DNA of prokaryotes 3-___________________ -parental strands separate/serve as templates for new strands of DNA 4-______________________ -keeps the strands of DNA separate during replication 5-__________ -unwinds the double helix 6-__________ -elongates as DNA unwinds and is replicated continuously Eukaryotic DNA Circular DNA Semiconservative replication Single stranded binding proteins DNA helicase Leading strand
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION DESCRIBE: SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION -DNA unwinds/unzips -single strands serves as a template to make new “complimentary” strands -2 new identical strands 1 original-parental strand 1 complementary-new strand
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION MODEL: Parental strands during REPLICATION -H-bonds ”unzip” -separate strands to serve as templates New DNA molecule is composed of -1 original parental strand -1 new complementary strand
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION SEQUENCE AND MODEL: steps in DNA replication 2-BASE PAIRING: -“free floating” nucleotides attach to unzipped template A=T / C=G DNADNA 1-”UNWIND”: -parental DNA “unzip” -separates into 2 strands 4-NEW DNA -2 new DNA molecules each w/: -1 original strand -1 new strand 3-JOINING: nucleotides connected where there are spaces
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION ANALYZE how a DNA molecule acts like a template -complimentary bases match up to N-bases on original strand -2 new molecules identical to original parental DNA
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION INDICATE the sequence of the replicated strand if the template strand has the sequence---- 5’ A T G G G C G T T A 3’ 3’ T A C C C G C A A T 5’
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION DRAW a diagram showing the difference in the way the leading and lagging strands are synthesized
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION LABEL the diagram showing DNA replication— DNA polymerase parental DNA leading strand Okazaki fragments DNA ligase DNA polymerase
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION EXPLAIN what Okazaki fragments are-- -small sections added to lagging strand--discontinuous DESCRIBE how Okazaki fragments are joined— -DNA ligase links ends together
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION COMPLETE the table on role of proteins in replication PROTEIN STAGE OF DNA REPLICATION ACTIVITY DNA HELICASE DNA LIGASE DNA POLYMERASE DNA PRIMASE SINGLE STRANDED BINDING PROTEIN -unwinding -unwinds/unzips DNA -joining -links DNA sections -base pairing -joining -adds new bases -removes RNA primer -adds RNA primer to new strands -unwinding -keeps strands separate during replication -unwinding -base pairing
DNA REPLICATION IN PROKARYOTES/EUKARYOTES Number origins for DNA replication Where replication takes place many one nucleus cytoplasm
SUMMARIZE BONDS in DNA TYPE BOND HOW FORMED STRENGTH HOW USED IONIC COVALENT HYDROGEN + / – charges attracted STRONG BOND DNA attached to histones 2 atoms share electrons STRONGEST BOND sugar, phosphates, N-bases bonded weak attraction btwn +/- dipole molecules Bonds between N-bases WEAK BOND
SEMICONSERVATIVE REPLICATION ANALYZE how the activity DNA polymerase is consistent w/ Watson and Crick’s model of semiconservative replication -W & C predicted DNA replication is semiconservative — parental strand serve as templates for daughter strands REPLICATION— http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teV62zrm2P0&feature=player_embedded