Bell Ringer #8 – 1/13/10 1. What does OPEC stand for? 2. Which two religious groups feud over Israel / Palestine? 3. Why did Arab OPEC countries raise oil prices for the USA in 1973?
Troubled Economy : the U.S. faced stagflation Stagflation occurs when there is high unemployment and high inflation (prices up).
Causes of Stagflation 1. Pres. Johnson’s funding of both Vietnam and social programs through deficit spending. 2. Increased International competition. 3. America’s heavy dependency on foreign oil (still a problem today!).
Watergate Scandal arising from the Nixon administration’s attempt to cover up the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in the Watergate complex. Led to the imprisonment of 25 government officials.
The Watergate Complex Washington D.C
“The President’s Men” Small, loyal group of advisors Shared Nixon’s desire for secrecy and power. Believed they were “above the law”
The Burglary At 2:30 a.m. on June 17, 1972, a Watergate guard caught 5 men breaking into Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters Were trying to place wiretaps, or “bugs” on the office telephones Workers began shredding documents and passed out $450,000 to buy the burglars’ silence
Chapstick tubes with hidden microphones.
Nixon’s advisors helped plan the Watergate burglary They also helped to cover it up
Nixon Visits China Nixon visited China in 1972 to try to normalize relations Reversed American policy of ignoring China and helped Nixon’s image.
Saturday Night Massacre Oct 1973 – Nixon still denied his Watergate involvement He ordered Attorney General Richardson to fire the prosecutor investigating Watergate Richardson refused and resigned – an event known as “Saturday Night Massacre”
Presidency Shifts VP Spiro Agnew resigns. Faced with impeachment, Nixon resigns in Nixon’s appointed VP, Gerald Ford, becomes President. Ford gave Nixon a “Presidential Pardon” one month later!
HOMEWORK Read Ch 24, Sn 2 (pgs ) Answer 1 & 4 on page 807 Due Friday