Warner & Sower1 Chapter 12 Effective Teaching and the School Environment
Warner & Sower2 NAEYC’s Code of Ethics Appreciating childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle Basing our work with children on knowledge of child development Appreciating and supporting the close ties between the child and the family Recognizing that children are best understood and supported in the context of family, culture, community, and society Respecting the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member, and colleague) Helping children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust, respect, and positive regard
Warner & Sower3 Ethical Responsibilities To the children To families To colleagues To employers
Warner & Sower4 The Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment Act (CAPTA) Physical abuse Sexual abuse Emotional abuse Neglect
Warner & Sower5 Professional Organizations Association of American Educators (AAE) American Federation of Teachers (AFT) National Education Association (NEA) Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Warner & Sower6 Types of Professional Portfolios Employment portfolio Evaluation portfolio Professional development portfolio Portfolios
Warner & Sower7 Ten Powerful Instructional Principles 1. Meaningfulness 2. Prerequisites 3. Open communication 4. Essential content 5. Learning aids
Warner & Sower8 Ten Powerful Instructional Principles (continued) 6. Novelty 7. Modeling 8. Active and appropriate practice 9. Pleasant conditions and consequences 10. Consistency
Warner & Sower9 Roles of the Teacher Counselor Nurse Child development specialist Child advocate Teacher
Warner & Sower10 Responsibilities of the Teacher Environment Curriculum Assessment Guidance Parents Collaborating with other professionals
Warner & Sower11 Working in the School Community School staff Principal Nurse Educational Diagnostician Counselor Parent-Teacher organizations
Warner & Sower12 Characteristics of Effective Teachers Attitudes/Getting to know your children Effective use of time Organization/Planning Communications/Presentation/Focus Feedback/Evaluation
Warner & Sower13 Characteristics of Effective Teachers (continued) Monitoring/Motivating Questioning Pacing Review and closure Knowledgeable and adaptability