FIN 402 Investment Fundamentals and Portfolio Management
FIN 402 Weekly Topics Overview of the Investment Environment Securities Analysis Risk and Portfolio Analysis Optimal Capital Market Strategies Special Topics in Investments and Portfolio Management
Week One Overview of the Investment Environment
Week One Objectives Describe capital market instruments. Determine asset classes. Explain how the current investment environment impacts investment decisions. Analyze the investment banking process.
Overview of the Investment Environment Capital market instruments –Term to maturity – Characteristics of
Overview of the Investment Environment Investment banking process –Capital need exists –Contacts investment banker –Financial analysis of company –Organize syndicate and selling group –Produce preliminary prospectus (red herring) –Due diligence –Create final prospectus –Issue offering
Overview of the Investment Environment Investment banking environment –Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) laws and regulations –Financial markets –Asset classes –Market participants
Overview of the Investment Environment Sources of investment information –General economic information –Industry information –Firm-specific information
Overview of the Investment Environment Careers in investments –Investment banker –Stock broker –Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) –Specialist –Portfolio manager –Certified Financial Planner (CFP)