Towards an Adaptable Personal Learning Environment Dr Elaine Pearson Voula Gkatzidou Dr Steve Green Accessibility Research Centre University of Teesside
Introduce selected research areas Focus on Specialist (PLE) - Portland Introduce concept of adaptable learning objects and personal profiling tool Describe progression to Adaptable Personal Learning Environment (APLE) Suggest areas for further work Outline
ARC major research areas: Specialist LMS (PLE) - Portland Adaptable learning objects and personal profiling tool Adaptable mobile interfaces and interoperability Background
Challenges LMSs do not meet needs of Web 2.0 generation learners Personal Learning Environments allow users to choose components (e.g. JISC definition) But Our experience shows that disabled learners may need more flexibility Other learners need flexibility according to environment or preferences
Specialist VLE - Portland Designed for a particular user group Include the typical basic features of a standard VLE: – Learning activities, , timetable, tutor tools etc Students profiles determine interface, interaction methods, learning level Tutors make adaptations on behalf of students Enables independent access to learning
Portland adaptable features Symbols based interface (PCS, Rebus, Makaton) With or without text Interaction methods –Scanning, switch, mouse, keyboard Audio Learning levels Colours/ contrast
Portland VLE
Adaptations are designed to meet the needs of the Portland group Met the needs of these individual students Other colleges, tutors, organisations very keen to have something similar but specific to their needs So how could we set about accommodating the diverse needs of many learner groups or individuals?
Components of Adaptable PLE (1) Community of practice –Developers, tutors, individuals, designers, academics, disability experts, learners Open source framework –To specify adaptable interfaces and interactions
Components of Adaptable PLE (2) Profile for Adaptable Learning (PAL) –To create and store learner profiles Learning Object Tutor Tools Interface (LOTTI) –To create adaptable learning objects Transformation, Augmentation and Substitution Service –Method to support the adaptations based on standards for interoperability Based on standards –IMS AccessForAll (ACCLIP, ACCMD), Dublin Core etc
Components of an APLE APLE Community of Practice (CoP) LE Design Specification LE Tools and Components Interoperability Standards PLE TASS UsersProfiles of Needs and Preferences (PNP) Learning Patterns Learning Objects (LOs) Learning Components Adaptable Learning
Areas for development Re-engineer current Portland framework to open source Develop and grow CoP Develop sample learner profiles Create more sample learning object components Explore standards for interoperability and establish gaps and inconsistencies
For discussion Suggestions for developing the community Applications of the research for particular groups Challenges to personal choice, flexibility and adaptability in an institutional environment
Towards an Adaptable Personal Learning Environment Dr Elaine Pearson Voula Gkatzidou Dr Steve Green Accessibility Research Centre University of Teesside