Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment Orientation CSTS
What are Co-Occurring Disorders? Two or more disorders occurring at the same time like mental illness, substance use disorders and medical disorders. Other terms for co-occurring disorders: Dual Diagnosis, Comorbid Disorders, MICA, MISA, MISU, CAMI, SAMI, MICD, ICOPSD
“ Stages of Change ” Prochaska, Norcross and DiClemente CSTS Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment Services are based on the idea that, to be successful, a person’s plan for change needs to fit with where they are at...
How do people change? Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Relapse / Recycle
Am I Precontemplative? “What Problem?” “Who, me?” “I see no reason to change.” “I wish people would just leave me alone already!”
Am I Contemplative? “I might have a problem.” “I’m not ready to make any decisions yet.” “Problem? Maybe.” Considering change, but ambivalent.
Am I in Preparation? “I have a problem, but don’t want to commit to doing anything about it yet” “I’m developing plans to change” “Problem? Yes… Change? Not yet…”
Am I at Action stage? “I have a problem and I’m ready to do something about it.” “I’m making changes.” “Problem? Yes… Change? YES!”
Am I at Maintenance? “I’m stabilized and doing well. How can I support my ongoing recovery?” “I’ve made the changes I want; now I want to maintain my gains.”
Relapse / Recycle “I’m stabilized but have relapsed. How can I get back into active recovery?” “How can I learn from my relapse to strengthen my recovery plan?”
What are my options? Discovery Services Individualized services for people in precontemplation, contemplation and preparation stages. Focus is on education & exploring recovery goals. Recovery Services Individualized services for people in action and maintenance stages. Focus is on obtaining and maintaining sobriety and ongoing recovery.
What are my options? Discovery Services at CSTS: Facilitated Co-Occurring Discovery Groups St. Andrew’s Fresh Start Tuscan Creek Apartment Clubhouse CSTS – 555 Towner CSTS – 2140 E. Ellsworth
What are my options? Discovery Services at CSTS (continued): Weekly Education Lecture Series 2140 E. Ellsworth CSTS site Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. Open to anyone Medication Therapy Prescribed and monitored by psychiatrist Case Management, and Crisis Stabilization Services
What are my options? Discovery Resources in the community: Dual Recovery Anonymous (12-step) First Baptist Alano Club MAP Alcoholics Anonymous “Open Talk” meetings Narcotics Anonymous “Open Talk” meetings
What are my options? Recovery Services at CSTS: Facilitated Co-Occurring Recovery Groups CSTS – 555 Towner, & 2140 E. Ellsworth Any of the Discovery groups previously listed Weekly Education Lecture Series 2140 E. Ellsworth site Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. Open to all members of the public
What are my options? Recovery Services at CSTS (continued): Clinical Support Need for this service will be determined by you and your case manager/therapist. Will be set up through your Person Centered Plan Medication Therapy Therapeutic Drug Screening Case Management and Crisis Stabilization Services
What are my options? Recovery Resources in the community: Dual Recovery Anonymous (12-step) First Baptist Alano Club MAP Alcoholics Anonymous “Dual-Diagnosis” focused AA meeting, 5:30 pm Wednesdays at 2140 E. Ellsworth See listing for others Narcotics Anonymous See listing
What are some other options? Additional Community Based Resources: Dawn Farm Educational Series SJMH “Teens Using Drugs” series Recovery, Inc. SMART Recovery Women for Sobriety
What’s next? Tell your case manager / therapist you are interested. Complete a Substance Abuse Assessment with designated staff. Identify with your case manager / therapist what services you feel will work best for you and create an individualized goal in your Person Centered Plan.
What’s next? If you have Medicaid only, or no insurance, you will need to call Access ( ) for a screening. Let someone on your treatment team know if you would like help or support in making this call...
What’s next? If you are not currently receiving CSTS services, you will need to call Access ( ) for a screening, and referral to services for which you are eligible.
Any other questions? THANKS FOR COMING!!