Navigating the New Form of Government A Resource for Sessions and Congregations
Determine the Quorum for Session Meetings – G Shall the quorum be that used in the previous Form of Government? Shall the quorum be a different number of percentage? Will there be a different quorum for regular meetings and meetings to receive new members?
Determine How the Membership Rolls Shall Be Organized – G-1.04 Only 3 categories of members (Baptized, Active, and Affiliate), no Inactive members Other Participants – not members but welcome in the life and worship of congregation Reaffirm session’s current process for reviewing church rolls or determine process for future Encouraged regular reflection on integrity of membership
Quorum for Congregational Meetings – G Recommend to the congregation Enter into revised bylaws Use the same quorum? Adopt a larger or smaller percentage? Adopt a stated number of active members?
Parliamentary Authority for Meetings Robert’s Rules are specified for councils, but not for congregations At next congregational meeting, make a motion for congregation to establish Robert’s Rules of Order as parliamentary authority for congregational meetings.
Adequate Public Notice for Congregational Meetings – G In your congregation, how can everyone have reasonable opportunity to be present and to know what business is being considered? Shall the standard remain the same as before or be different? In addition to worship services, what other venues of notice are reasonable and appropriate? Decision entered into congregation’s bylaws
Length of Terms for Elders and Deacons – G How long shall terms of office be for elders and deacons? How many classes would there be? Decision entered into congregation’s bylaws
Size and Makeup of Congregational Nominating Committee – G Recommend to the congregation for entry into congregation’s bylaws Use provisions of previous Form of Government? Use the minimum established by the new Form of Government? “Representative” means representative of the congregation’s makeup, not that nominating committee members are elected by and to represent certain constituencies of the congregation
Develop Criteria and a Process for Preparation and Examination of Candidates for Ordered Ministry – G , G b Congregation elects nominating committee Nominating committee selects candidates Session calls cong. meeting to elect officers Congregation elects Session prepares and examines officers What will be the timeline for these steps? How will session conduct preparation? How will session conduct examination of officer candidates?
Church Treasurer – G What shall be the term for the treasurer? Who shall supervise the treasurer? What are provisions for re-election of treasurer? Who will search for and nominate the treasurer?
Clerk of Session – G Will the clerk of session be a ruling elder currently serving on session? What shall be the term of the clerk of session?
Sexual Misconduct Policy – G If you already have a policy, review and update within the upcoming 6 months. If you do not, presbytery office will help you to establish such a policy. Does your policy include provisions for child safety?
Manual of Administrative Operations - G Develop or amend your Manual Should contain organizing documents, job descriptions and expectations, committee tasks, procedures, and meeting schedules Church staff position descriptions, personnel policies and performance review procedures Church calendar of events Process for examination of officers Instructions for worship leaders, ushers, greeters
Things to Do Later But not too late… within the next year
Review Your Mission Strategy – G How is the session … – Providing that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard – Providing that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received – Nurturing the covenant community of disciples of Jesus Christ
Review Financial Aspects of Administration – G , G , G Counting and recording offering by 2 persons Financial records kept and open to inspection by authorized church officers Periodic reports of financial activity Prepared and adopted budget to support church’s mission
Strategy for Participating in Presbytery and Denominational Life – G How will session fulfill responsibilities to participate in the life of the larger church? How will your session participate beyond sending commissioners to presbytery meetings? How will session keep the congregation informed and active in the life of the larger church?