Hot SAT Words Lessons 21-30
LESSON # 22 EASY DOES IT! Words Relating to Being CAREFUL
CHARY Adj. cautious; wary
CHARY Be CHARY about what you say about others. You don’t know who may be listening. CHARY of burglars, we set our security alarm whenever we go out.
CIRCUMSPECT Adj. careful and cautious before acting
CIRCUMSPECT Myra is too personally involved in the case to be CIRCUMSPECT about it. Be CIRCUMSPECT when choosing a college. Don’t get carried away by your emotions.
CONSCIENTIOUS Adj. relating to doing what one knows is right; scrupulous
CONSCIENTIOUS Marta was promoted twice for her CONSCIENTIOUS performance on the job. Tino pumps iron CONSCIENTIOUSLY, at least three times a day for half an hour.
EXACTING Adj. requiring a great deal of care or effort; painstaking
EXACTING The lacrosse coach’s standards were so EXACTING that it was hard to achieve them. Building a stereo from a kit is EXACTING work. If you are careless, it won’t work.
GINGERLY Adj. very carefully
GINGERLY Because Sue GINGERLY placed the sleeping baby in his crib, the infant didn’t wake up. Build a house of cards GINGERLY. One false move and it falls.
HEEDFUL Adj. Paying careful attention to
HEEDFUL Be HEEDFUL of your counselor’s advice. If the novice skier had HEEDED the signs, he wouldn’t have found himself on the expert slope.
METICULOUS Adj. very careful; fussy, finicky
METICULOUS A METICULOUS carpenter, Emil makes perfect joints and dovetails. Her makeup is METICULOUSLY applied.
SCRUPULOUS Adj. showing great care and honesty, based on personal belief of what is right and proper
SCRUPULOUS Follow the rules of the contest SCRUPULOUSLY, or you may be disqualified. Jade is SCRUPULOUS about doing her own work. She won’t even let a classmate proofread her papers.
VIGILANT Adj. carefully alert and watchful
VIGILANT When switching lanes, look out for other cars. VIGILANCE is the price of safety. Mrs. Trueport VIGILANTLY watched the tots playing in her backyard.
WARY Adj. cautious, careful
WARY If the ship’s captain had been more WARY of storms, he never would have put to sea that day.
WARY Be WARY of offers that sound too good to be true; they may contain hidden traps.
Be WARY of signs like this!
And these!