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2 PURPOSE To provide a foundation for those new members present today a.Give you a perspective of club functions b.Understand your role as a new member c.Present big picture of the association “Re-orient” seasoned Lions a.Refresh your knowledge b.Revitalize your enthusiasm c.Reconnect with your reasons for being a Lion d.Renew your commitment

3 Founder of Lions Clubs International Melvin Jones Born on January 13, 1879 in Fort Thomas, AZ Died June 1, 1961 at 82 years of age

– Founding Members of LCI In front of the Chicago Art Institute’s famed lion statues

5 Vision Statement To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service. Mission Statement To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

6 A Glimpse of Lions Clubs International Founded Chicago, Illinois FounderMelvin Jones Motto“WE SERVE” Official ColorsPurple and Gold SloganLiberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety

7 Primary Activities Recognized for service to people who are blind and visually impaired Sight Conservation SightFirst Program Collection of and recycling eyeglasses Commitment to youth through many youth programs Improvement of the environment Construction of homes for the disabled Support of diabetes education Hearing Conservation & Programs Disaster Relief provided through LCIF

8 Lions Clubs International Foundation Charitable arm of Lions Clubs International Web Site:

9 Membership  1.35 million men and women  Approximately 46,000 clubs  206 countries and geographical areas

10 Family & Women Lions October 1917 Convention – voted to admit women 1918 – Rescinded 1987 – Doors open to women Lions again 2008 – Focus on Family and Women Members

11 Recent Report of Lions Clubs Worldwide Donate approximately $449 million and 76 million hours each year Equivalent to more than 30,000 people working full time for a year

12 International Headquarters Oakbrook, IL

INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Dr. Wing-Kun Tam His Theme “ I Believe.”

14 Your Lions Club Most important component of our great association, LCI

15 WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A LION? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP? The great satisfaction of helping those in need Making a difference in your community Having an impact on those in need worldwide Developing leadership skills

16 BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP Enhancing communication skills Utilizing planning and organization skills Providing hands-on service to meet community needs Meeting/developing friendships and enjoying fellowship with the finest men and women in your community and worldwide Networking opportunities Travel opportunities

17 How Does a Club Make a Difference in Its Local Community and Impact Those in Need Worldwide? Provision of eye examinations and eye glasses, sight and hearing screenings – Mobile Sight and Hearing Screening Unit, hearing examinations and hearing aids, Leader Dogs for the sight impaired, hearing dogs for the hearing impaired, service dogs, Spinoza bears for Child Life Program

18 Making a Difference Health and welfare assistance Sponsorship of scholarships, Bland Youth Music Scholarship Competition, Leo Clubs, Peace Poster Contest White Cane Days Disaster relief Support of sports activities

19 How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank

20 You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee. John H. Holcomb

21 At a Glance Club Officers and Directors - Club President - Immediate Past President - Vice Presidents - Secretary - Treasurer - Lion Tamer - Tail Twister - Membership Director - Elected Directors

22 DUES International - $39 a year – paid semi- annually. Must be paid by 31 st of July and January MD 24 (state) dues - $16 a year – paid annually, by January 1

23 Multiple District 24 Commonwealth of Virginia

24 Two International Presidents Lion Ben RuffinRichmond Lion Elbyrne GillRoanoke

25 Virginia Lions International Directors MORE RECENT INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORS Lion Wayne Davis, WinchesterShawnee Lions Club Lion Richard P. Chaffin, Forest LionsClub Lion Roy D. Wilson, Bailey’s Crossroads Lions Club Earl Dodson, Lake Side Lions Club

26 MD 24 Council of Governors Council Chairperson, Lion Dennis L. Brining PDG, 24-A 24-ALion Dennis Kelly lll 24-BLion Janis Chenery 24-CLion Raymond McDonald 24-DLion Alton Miller 24-ELion Dallas Scott 24-FLion Wayne Chappell

27 District 24-A MAKEUP 5 Regions 12 Zones 67 Lions clubs 21 Leo clubs Membership of 1,917 (503 women & 1,414 men) (136 family units in total membership)

28 District 24-A Organization District Governor Lion Dennis Kelly lll Chief administrative officer for the district Elected to serve one-year term at district convention held at state convention in May Responsibilities: represents LCI in the district, supervises district officers, promotes the goals of the International Program, supervises organization of new Lions clubs, presides over district meetings

29 1 st.Vice District Governor Lion Emily Carnes Chief administrative assistant to the district governor Responsibilities: Assist the Governor in the review of clubs Conduct club visitations Work with MERL Team Work with District Leadership Development

30 2 nd Vice District Governor Lion Michael Ryan Conduct club visitations Review health and status of District clubs Work with District Retention Committee Work with District LCIF Coordinator Work with District Information Technology Committee

31 Cabinet Secretary Lion Cheryl Kelly Cabinet Treasurer Lion P. Michael Yuenger Act under the supervision of the district governor Further the Ethics and Objects of LCI Perform other functions and acts required through the cabinet secretary-treasurer manual and other directives

32 Zone Chairpersons Region I – Lion, Roy Davis; Region II – Lions Al Dunker, Grace Capuno; Region III – Lions Todd Horting, Jay Moughon lll Roy Summer Region IV – Lions Ann Laster,, Joe Angsten; Region V – Lions Jane Stoll, Mary Coleman, Greg Hall Chief administrative officers in the zones Given direction and supervision by the district governor and/or region chairpersons Serves as chairperson of the district governor’s zone advisory committee Takes an active role in organizing new clubs Reports on the activities and well being of all clubs in their zone

33 District Chairpersons LCI officially recognizes twenty district chairpersons District committee chairpersons assist the district governor, region and zone chairpersons, in the work with their clubs.

34 Summary Ideas of how to contribute and become actively involved in club’s activities Awareness of magnitude of structure and programs Knowledge of how the club, district, multiple district, and LCI function Expectations for your participation Encouragement to feel comfortable Re-orientation for seasoned members

35 Static Order Which Is My Lions Club ? Relax and explore Fun and excitement Ideas generation BARRIERBARRIER Team spirit 3 Long term officers 2 Long Meetings 1 No Agenda 4 Poor Activities

36 Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. - Tom Robbins