5. Make inferences– FINISH!!! Inferences = explanations based on observations Make inferences about what you think happened to Jeremy. As a group come up with a 1P explanation of what happened from start to finish -Jefe can double check crime scene Be ready to share
The real story Jeremy was doing an AP biology investigation to identify the blue mystery chemical. His jefe, Daniel, read the instructions to everyone, but Jeremy wasn’t really paying attention and didn’t hear the list of chemicals they were using (vinegar, cabbage juice, and a mystery liquid). When the Daniel asked him to take the temperature of the mystery liquid, Jeremy put the thermometer in and waited. He got bored while waiting and turned around to talk to his friend Carmen at the next lab table. While he was turned around talking, he accidentally knocked the cabbage juice indicator liquid off the table. Daniel went to go notify the teacher, but Jeremy was worried that he was going to get into trouble so he quickly tried to pick up the glass pieces. Unfortunately, he accidentally cut himself and the indicator liquid got into his bloodstream. While he was walking back to the sink to wash his cut he started to feel dizzy and passed out. Jeremy recognized the smell, it was cabbage juice, and he was severely allergic to it. The teacher ran back to help and called 911, but by time the paramedics arrived it was too late. He’d had a severe allergic reaction and slipped into a coma.
6. How could this have been avoided? With your group, list 5+ safety behaviors that could have helped prevent this accident. (Try and write them as “DO… behaviors”) Please pass forward!
Notebook names PreAP Biology Jessica Dietrich p.7 Write the class, your first and last name & class period on the front of your 3 Ring Binder. Organize your notebook using the handout you picked up on the way in. This is your divider/table of contents- put it in the front.
Add to procedures worksheet Notebook Storage Stdt by cabinet passes out during end of class stack & pass to right
Absent Work Why is attendance so important? Who is responsible for getting you the make up work? Please read the absences & makeup work policy in your syllabus You have as many days as you were absent, but MUST be approved (stamped) the day you come back
Example 8-5 procedures 2 Safety lunch Fri. 1.Get procedures notes from partner 2.Safety lunch Fri.
Absent Work Point to where is the absent board located? Back of classroom Getting Absent Work 1. Copy info onto BW sheet & take handouts 2. Get approval stamp from Ms. D (NOT in class) Turning In Absent Work Staple to APPROVED BW sheet (if it’s in your binder, put your BW on top) & put in absent bin
Once the info sheet is gone…it’s gone! Get the info on your own time the day you return
QUIZ Observaton/Inference Scientific Method HW Safety Posters
A ns w er K e y 1.Get O/I notes from partner 2.Turn in scientific method HW (now!) 3.See teacher- safety poster When can you get stamped?