Replicated State Machines ITV Model-based Analysis and Design of Embedded Software Techniques and methods for Critical Software Anders P. Ravn Aalborg.


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Presentation transcript:

Replicated State Machines ITV Model-based Analysis and Design of Embedded Software Techniques and methods for Critical Software Anders P. Ravn Aalborg University September 2011

A simple State machine Object-oriented class SM { void method m_1(par_1) {... OB.m(arg);... }... } Message-oriented process SM{ (m,args)= getMessage(); switch m { case m_1:... sendMessage(OB,m,arg)... } Note: Asynchronous communication, cf. Module 1

Constraints Asynchronous message passing (unbounded buffering). Thus it must be proved no buffer-overflow for an implementation. No timing (delays, timeouts) in state machines. State machines are scheduled as a set of periodic or sporadic processes

Fault Tolerance Byzantine failures: SMs may fail in any way. Requires 2t+1 replicas to tolerate t failures. Fail-stop failures: Failing processors stop and the stop state is detectable. Only t+1 replicas needed.

Agreement and Order Every request message is received by every non-faulty processor. This requires reliable message passing – a fault in a particular link translates to a byzantine failure for the receiving state machine Requests are processed in order. Requests sent from same destination cannot overtake each other. Cf. TCP and UDP in Internet

Agreement IC1: Select a non-faulty transmitter IC2: Ensure that the value sent by the transmitter is recieved by all other non- faulty processors The difficult part is implementing a move of the transmitter, cf. Token rings. Alternative. Broadcasts

Watch-dogs for Fail-stop Logical clock stability test

Dynamic Configurations C – clients S – state machines O – output devices This state machine could be the watch dog.

Integration after repair Resynchronization with getting a check- pointed state from a replica. Alignment with received messages.

Perspective A general paradigm suitable for highly critical distributed processing. Fail-stop may be feasible for medium level criticality. Both may become cost-efficient in a multi- core setting. Requires highly dependable hardware and kernel support.