1 Investment costs in the Virtual Test GRI NW Investment I1- Virtual Test/Business Simulation Bas Barten Gas Transport Services
2 Virtual pipeline through 4 countries Germany Netherlands Belgium France 50 bar 400 km
3 Virtual pipeline through 4 countries Germany Netherlands Belgium France 50 bar 400 km 50 bar80 bar
4 Investment costs for 48 inch Yearly volume transported: 20 bcm hours LF: 2,7 mln Nm3/h CAPEX per country: 400 km 48 inch pipeline = 800 mln EUR 3 compressor stations ( each 35 MW) = 300 mln EUR Total CAPEX per country = 1,1 billion EUR OPEX per country: OPEX for pipe and compressors = 21 mln EUR/year Fuel cost for compressors = 67 mln EUR/year (7400 running hours per year)
5 Investment costs for 48 inch (36 inch) Yearly volume transported: 20 bcm (10 bcm) hours LF: 2,7 mln Nm3/h (1,35 mln Nm3/h) CAPEX per country: 400 km 48 inch pipeline = 800 mln EUR (560) 3 compressor stations = 300 mln EUR (200) Total CAPEX per country = 1,1 billion EUR (760) OPEX per country: OPEX for pipe and compressors = 21 mln EUR/year (14) Fuel cost for compressors = 67 mln EUR/year (7400 running hours per year) (34)
6 Investment costs remarks No overhead costs or general administration only direct OPEX (e.g maintenance and operation) Costs reflect the range of investment costs of the TSOs in the active group (+/- 40 %) excluding tax We think more accurate estimation is unnecessary at the moment and also not possible without complex studies taken into account the exact route of the pipeline Fuel gas at gas price of 25 EUR/MWH Are two pipeline diameters sufficient?
Pipeline Inch 48" 36" Length Km 400 Compressor # Stations Volume Bcm/year Capacity Mln Nm3/h 2,702,161,621,351,080,81 CAPEX Pipe Mln Eur OPEX Pipe Mln EUR/year CAPEX CS Mln EUR OPEX CS Mln EUR/year Fuel costs CS Mln EUR/year 67,235,813,433,617,96,7 Fuel costs CS/bcm Mln EUR/year 3,42,21,13,42,21,1 Investment costs for steps in between 20 bcm and 10 bcm are at their “limit” Other options can be expanded with adding Comp Stations
8 Thanks for your attention! Questions?