A Need for Population Health Data in Clinical Practice Jane L. Garb Health Geographics Program Baystate Medical Center Springfield, MA Second Annual Connecting Communities for Better Health Learning Forum and Exhibition Washington, D.C May 25-6, 2005
October 15 2 Baystate Health Systems Mission The mission of Baystate Health System is to improve the health of the people in our communities every day with quality and compassion
Who has the data? Hospitals Patients Resources for Dx, Rx, Prev. personnel (MD’s,RN’s, educators) facilities (labs, OR’s, etc) programs (control measures, screening, education) Outcomes Public Health Cases Resources for Dx, Rx, Prev. personnel (MD’s,RN’s, epidemiologists, educators) facilities (labs) programs (Rx recommendations, control measures, screening, education) Outcomes
October 15 4 US Census Bureau – data on populationsUS Census Bureau – data on populations Decennial Census/American Community Survey location numbers demographics socioeconomic measures Who has the data?
October 15 5 Using Population Data in Healthcare Direct CareDirect Care Benchmarking outcomesBenchmarking outcomes ResearchResearch Prevention/InterventionPrevention/Intervention Resource AllocationResource Allocation Disaster Planning, Preparedness, ResponseDisaster Planning, Preparedness, Response
October 15 6 LAYERS OF INFORMATION Health Data Demographics Geography
Direct Patient Care
October 15 8 Intervention
9 Violent Incidents involving Youths and School Locations Injury Prevention
Resource Allocation
Population Affected by Hazardous Plume Disaster Preparedness, Planning and Response
October Issues in Use of Health Data CooperationCooperation HIPAA and other legal issuesHIPAA and other legal issues QualityQuality Real-time access to dataReal-time access to data Needs for Standards of data exchangeNeeds for Standards of data exchange How will shared data be applied?How will shared data be applied?
October Baystate Health System Health Geographics Program Richard Wait, MD PhD FACS Chairman of Surgery Dept. at Baystate Medical Center Director of the Health Geographics Program Professor of Surgery at Tuft's Univ. School of Medicine in Boston. Ric Skinner, M.S. Sr. GIS Coordinator Jane Garb, M.S. Spatial Epidemiologist/Biostatistician Chris Boyd, M.A. GIS Analyst
October 15 14Research