ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 1 e-Strategy and cooperation among cities Jaroslav Šolc Prague City Hall, IT Department
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 2 Overview Cooperation Why? International National What next? Prague - eStrategy and Profile
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 3 Why this session? Local and Regional Information Society – CITIES! ISSS/LORIS big event in CEE (7th), CZ+international 2000 first international event – TeleCities, 2001 GCD EU enlargement, conf. V4+ Prague actively participates member of TeleCities since 2001, role in SC – relations with CEE cities (supported by Vienna) role in CZ associations Increasing role of LG (democracy development), IT strategies, benchmarking, EU enlargement Networks of cities, V4+ Capital Cities
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 4 Why cooperate? Cities – similar situation, interests, solutions Exchange of experience (visions, implementations, financing, organisation, projects) Learning by promotion of the best practices Evaluation, comparison, benchmarking Common procedures, lobbying (EU and national strategies, legislation...) Common priorities and projects Declaration on Local and Regional Information Society Development
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 5 International networks CITIES / Inf. society TeleCities (partner of Eurocities) CZ: Prague, Ostrava Global Cities Dialogue CZ: Hradec Králové, Praha, Jihlava, Olomouc, Ostrava, Plzeň, Pardubice, Hluboká Major Cities of Europe – IT Users Group... UDMS, networks of excellence.... ASSOCIATIONS ELANET (CEMR), CZ experience Assets: learning from each other, visions, policies, projects Barrirs: membership fees, travel costs, time resources, language skills,
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 6 Networks in the Czech Rep. Union of Towns and Communities of the Czech Rep. IT Committee (KISMO), 10 decisionmaking + 8 advisory mem. 3 of 20 Statutory cities represented, + other members of conference meetings ca each 1-2 months, conf., info+consultations Association of regions of the Czech Rep. IT Committee, CIO from all 14 regions of the Czech Rep. meetings ca each 3 months, workshops, conf, info+consultations+common projects supported by the Ministry of Interior of the CR Both IT Committees cooperate ( conf., common meetings, stands towards national gov. etc.) Professional networks: CAGI, CSSI, SPIS and others.
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 7 What next? Increase effective cooperation Declaration on Local and Regional Information Society Development (eV4+/LORIS) L+R EU 15 + CEE (NAS) Strategies, common objectives, implementation activities, projects (structural funding, EU programmes for IS) Where we are – where we want to go? ISSS/LORIS 2004: SET OF DOCUMENTS eStrategies, IT profiles, benchmarking ASSOCIATIONS + CITIES
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 8 Presentations Networks: TeleCities (eRights Charter), GCD, MCE Project TeleCities + Deloitte: eCitizenship for All V4DIS, V4+Slovenia Capital Cities profile doc.pres.eCit.fA 2003 Bratislava + -- Budapest--+ Ljubljana-+- Prague+++ Warsaw-+-
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 9 Websites: networks www.
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 10 Websites: V4+ Capitals www.
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 11 Prague
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 12 Prague - profile Population: 1,16 mil. Area: 496 km 2 Administration - 1 of 14 regions of the Czech Rep. - municipality (capital, statutory city) Internal structure: 57 districts - elected bodies, authorities - 22 of them specila role (state adm.) Districts: self-gov., authonomy in IT Organisations established by the City Infrastructure: Municipal network MePNet
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 13 Prague City Hall - IT Prague City Hall (MHMP) ca 2 thous. employees (50 deps in 9 sections) director – represents IT in the Council Board IT Department (INF MHMP) in the section of internal services units - director of the IT Dep. - strategic office* - data management and services - SW applications maintenence - network maintenance - end-user services - el. signature Active cooperation: EU: -TeleCities Czech Rep.: -Union of Towns and Communities -Association of Regions Events: ISSS/LORIS UDMS....
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 14 eStrategy, projects eStrategies: -IT Strategy (2001), update* (2004) -IT security policy* (2004) -eGovernment policy* (2004) projects, e.g.: -Infrastructure -Document management -Reingeneering -eGov: Web, portal, call centrum -eLearning -Specific systems: GIS, municipal property, environment Details: see the conference proceedings eStrategy and Profile Challenge: EU Structural Funding Prague: JPD (SPD) for objectives 2 and 3
ISSS/LORIS 2004eStrategy & cooperation 15 Jaroslav Šolc tel Prague City Hall, IT Department Thank you for your attention! Questions – at the end of session