National Perspective on Emergency Management CFOA Conference 2010 Celina Barrett B.A., B.Eng., M.Sc., MIEI
Perspective DEHLG –Framework for Major Emergency Management and MEDP –Customised international best practice –Systems approach –Co-ordination
Emergency Management Levels Strategic Emergency Planning Guidance A Framework for Major Emergency management
Strategic Level Emergency An event, incident or situation, that may present a serious threat to the welfare of the population, the environment, the political, administrative, economic stability or the security of the state, which will require the political and strategic involvement of the Government.
Strategic Emergency Planning Guidance Defines Government, Ministerial and Departmental roles in a strategic context Lead Government Department Principal Support Departments/Agencies Other Support Departments/ Agencies
Co-ordination Levels
National Structures for Emergency Planning Government (An Taoiseach & Cabinet) Minister for Defence (Policy & Direction) Government Task Force on Emergency Planning Inter-Departmental Working Group on Emergency Planning National Security Committee Office of Emergency Planning National Steering Group
Response GIS Government (An Taoiseach & Cabinet) Committee of Ministers Chaired by Minister of Lead Department Inter-Departmental Group International LGD Internal Co-ordination Response Community
National Emergency Co-ordination Centre (NECC) DEHLG initiated, building on NEPNA experiences Designed for purpose facility Meeting rooms, break-out rooms and work-stations Secure communications (encryption)
Recent National Level Crises Foot and Mouth (2001) Pork Crisis (2008) ‘Flu Pandemic (2009) Flooding (November 2009) Snow and Ice (January 2010) Volcanic Ash (April 2010)
DEHLG Preparedness Notification of Major Emergency Declaration to DEHLG – (24/7/365) Standard Operational Procedure Internal Exercises –Internal Mobilisation and Team Formation –Contact with other Departments
Activation Key Objective –Whole of Government Support those managing the response locally Key Players –Political –Technical –Administrative –Communication Significant Issues Learning Points at National Level
Co-ordination International –MIC / Offers of Assistance –Flood Maps National Departmental Local Authorities
Information Management System Recognised Current Situation Issues Strategic Aim and Priorities Actions
Ice and Snow Activation Key Objective- –Minimise the disruptive impact on society and the economy and support local response Key Players Significant Issues –Domino effect Learning Points at National Level Information Management
Volcanic Ash Transport Lead- DEHLG in a Support Role Adopted the model used in Flooding and Snow/Ice Information Management Significant Issues
Framework Comparison Co-ordination Documentation Information and Communication Opportunity to progress emergency management issues
Conclusions Experience of the Framework, MEDP and NEPNA exercises Framework used to varying degrees and generally judged successful Framework is now the benchmark National Level model that we have refined works and adopted by others New Framework for National Level linking all levels?