2015/10/262 OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION: Introduction. New NHS priorities. 2009/2010 April – September Actual Expenditure results. Adjusted Estimates 2009/2010. MTEF Budget Proposals. Budget Pressures. Conclusion.
INTRODUCTION The Department of Health addresses the third Medium term priority pronounced by Cabinet namely : Improving health outcomes. In implementing the priority as set out, the Department has developed a new Ten Point Plan. 2015/10/263
NEW NHS PRIORITIES FOR (i) Provision of strategic leadership and creation of a social compact for better health outcomes; (ii)Implementation of a National Health Insurance Plan; (iii) Improving Quality of Services; (iv) Overhauling the health care system and improve its management; (v) Improving Human Resources Management; (vi) Revitalization of physical infrastructure; (vii) Accelerated implementation of HIV and AIDS Plan and reduction of mortality due to TB and associated diseases; (viii) Mass mobilisation for better health for the population; (ix) Review of the Drug Policy; (x) Strengthening Research and Development
Review of Actual Expenditure for the National Department April – September PROGRAMMEOriginal Allocation Adjusted Appropriation April – September Exp. % Expenditure of Adjusted Appropriation. 1.Administration Strategic Health Prog Health Planning & Monitoring Health Human Resources Management & Development Health Services International Relations, Health Trade & Product Regulation TOTAL
Review of Actual Expenditure for the National Department April – September Economic classifications. Econ. Class Original Allocation Adjusted Appropriation April – September Exp. % Expenditure of Adjusted Appropriation. Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and Subsidies Payments for Capital assets TOTAL
APRIL – SEPTEMBER EXPENDITURE RESULTS. From the figures indicated, after the Adjusted appropriation allocations, the Department is at 48.1%. The 1.9% variance from the target of 50% as at end of September is influenced by additional funding as well as rolled over amounts. 2015/10/267
ADJUSTED ESTIMATES 2009/2010. The total increase for the Department amounts to R1,365 billion. Of the R1,365billion, an amount of R231,088 million refers to requested roll over funds for the 2008/09 financial year. That makes 17% of the increase. R160million is earmarked for the H1N1 Influenza pandemic. 8
ADJUSTED ESTIMATES 2009/2010. Additional funding received PRIORITY AREA H1N1 Influenza pandemic. ART – Comprehensive HIV&AIDS Care Management & Treatment. Countrywide measles & polio mass immunization campaign World Cup Health preparation strategy grant. FUNDING in millions
ADJUSTED ESTIMATES 2009/2010. Additional funding received PRIRITY AREA General Salary adjustments: National Department. Public Entities: - National Health. Laboratory Services. - SA Medical Research Council. FUNDING in millions
ADJUSTED ESTIMATES 2009/2010. Additional funding received. The Department deemed it critical to request National Treasury to hold the funding earmarked for provincial health departments for H1N1; ART and 2010 World cup at National level, to ensure that the funds are utilized for intended purposes. Procurement of goods and services will be done centrally in consultation with the provinces. 11
ADJUSTED ESTIMATES 2009/2010 The National Department shifted funds within programmes, mainly from Goods and services, after a thorough review and alignment as a result of the drive ( by the Finance Minister) to cut and save costs from travel & subsistence, conferencing as well as consultancy services. Identified funding was then moved to provide for new priority areas as per the new Ten Point Plan. 2015/10/2612
13 MTEF BUDGET PROPOSALS. For the current MTEF budget bids process, the Department took a resolution, in order to stabilize the health sector, to focus on the following critical funding areas which are part of the ten point plan as well as for strengthening of the public health services: - Full funding of ALL OSD categories. - Fully funding of “warm bodies”: Compensation of Employees, to deal with the over expenditure. - Adequate funding of the ART programme. - Adequate funding of the Blood Services (SANBS) and the laboratory services (NHLS).
14 MTEF BUDGET PROPOSALS. R million10/1110/1210/13 HIV/AIDS2,6003,1004,000 Doctor OSD 400 Health therapists OSD Health stabilization and rescue plan (provinces) 1,5002,5003,000 EMS 2010 final preparations
SPECIAL NHC 28TH AUGUST15 MTEF BUDGET PROPOSALS. R million10/1110/1210/13 National Department various TOTAL5,4596,7448,150
16 BUDGET PRESSURES Ensuring full funding of ALL OSD categories and implementation. Adequate funding of the Comprehensive HIV&AIDS Treatment Plan. Funding of the Infrastructure. Payment and management of the Blood Services (SANBS) and the laboratory services (NHLS). Fully funding of “warm bodies”.( Personnel). Funding inflation related cost drivers. Clearing of Accruals from08/09.
17 CONCLUSION The Budget proposals are preliminary and still to be discussed and finalized with the National Treasury. The Department is aware of the economic climate due to the melt down but has focused on the Ten Point Plan priorities. Provincial Health Departments also have to engage with their provincial treasuries for possible increase in their equitable share allocations.