Statistical Metadata System in the State Statistical Committee Baku, Azerbaijan, 2013 State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan 1
Metadata concept The reasons of creation of statistical metadata system (SMS) The basis for applying of SMS SMS’s users Benefits for SMS’s users Metadata objects Common Metadata Framework (CMF) Achievements of the Committee Challenges References Overview 2
Metadata concept Metadata are data that define and describe other data Statistical metadata are data about statistical data Metadata definition 3
Metadata concept Metadata are data that describe resources used in data collection, processing and dissemination Wider definition of metadata Statistical Metadata System (SMS) is a system that produces, uses and stores statistical metadata 4
The reasons of creation of statistical metadata system (SMS) Requirements and serious interest of users Applying of SMS within the Committee is very important for increasing the quality of production process and its outputs It is a tool for reducing the risk of knowledge losses due to the job changes Recommendation of Global Assessment of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Azerbaijan that was jointly undertaken by UNECE, Eurostat and EFTA in
The basis for applying of SMS “The State Programme on development of Official Statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan in years”, approved by the Order # 2621 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 21 December 2012 “The requirements on creation and administration of internet information resources of the state authorities”, approved by Decision #189 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 4 September 2012 “Action Plan for years on creation of Quality Management and Metadata systems in the State Statistical Committee”, approved by Decision 4/2 of the Board of the Committee in 15 February 2012 “Code of Practice of the State Statistical Authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved at the meeting of Statistical Council on 25 November
SMS’s users SMS Senior managers Subject-matter statisticians Methodologists IT developers Auditors, etc. Respondents Government Journalists Researchers Public Businesses External users Users at the national level International organizations, NGO, etc. Users at international level 7
Benefits for SMS’s users User needs and stakeholder requirements at national and international level Available statistical services External information systems related to Statistical Information System (SIS) Providers and sources of data to SIS Statistical production process Statistical publications, release calendar, copyright, etc. Responsibilities within statistical organization; Costs and revenues, etc. 8
Metadata for subject-matter statisticians: User requirements Standard concepts, classifications, data elements Operational information Documentation about statistical techniques (methodology) applied to survey Product created from the statistical data 9 Benefits for SMS’s users
Metadata for methodologists: Content of available statistical data and associated data concepts Quality of statistical data Existing statistical surveys Users at national level and their feedback Requests from international organizations and related standards Data sources and their links Respondents’ information systems 10 Benefits for SMS’s users
Metadata for methodologists: Administrative data Information system and output databases Statistical registers Statistical classifications, nomenclatures and related international standards Statistical population, statistical units, measurement units and time series Statistical methods and relevant research projects, etc. 11 Benefits for SMS’s users
Respondents needed in following metadata: Content (definition, terminology)of statistical data Security and confidentiality of microdata Feedback on statistical product Information on statistical warehouse Technical parameters for search and retrieval of metadata in the common metadata repository Relevant technological standards for metadata and data supply Information on software and other tools supporting data and metadata supply Training on SMS use, etc. 12 Benefits for SMS’s users
Metadata needed for government, journalists and other users at national level: Data and metadata concepts and definitions, classifications, aggregations, statistical and assessment methods, terminology, history, etc. Metadata on quality Access to microdata Time series Updating procedures Statistical revisions Responsibility for individual statistical outputs Links to other information systems (at national and international level) Confidentiality 13 Benefits for SMS’s users
Metadata needed for government, journalists and other users at national level: Planned changes in statistical product Content related national and international standards Results of statistical analysis on users feedback Rules for searching, accessing and downloading of data and metadata from output database Technical standards related to extraction and transfer of data and metadata Information on software and other tools supporting data and metadata search, extract and download, etc. 14 Benefits for SMS’s users
Users at international level needed also: Complying with international standards (coherence, comparability, explanatory notes) Standards for electronic transfer of data and metadata Information about other users at national and international level Indication of needs for revision or standardization of statistical data and metadata concepts, etc. 15 Benefits for SMS’s users
Improved quality of statistical information Improved interpretability of statistics Improved quality of metadata Better discovery, exchange and retrieval of data and metadata Provide common terminology, description of metadata standard elements to improve information exchange Improved efficiency through central metadata repositories that are organized to facilitate reuse of existing metadata Improved knowledge on metadata flow Metadata for all users: 16 Benefits for SMS’s users
Metadata objects Statistical data Processes Processes Tools 17
Statistical concepts Characteristics Variables Statistical units Populations Classifications Registers Observation templates Statistical survey Time series Aggregations Methods Macro and microdata Statistical publications Statistical databases, etc. metadata that describe 18 Metadata objects statisticaldata
Statistical Production Processes (data collection, processing, evaluation and dissemination) Processes associated with SIS and statistical organization Processes associated with SIS and statistical organization (planning, supplying, total quality management, etc. ) 19 Metadata objects Processes
Processes They are carriers of metadata and transfer them to the subsequent processes They use metadata They produce metadata 20 Metadata objects
Statistical concepts Statistical units Statistical characteristics Population Variables Respondents Observation templates Classifications Users Statistical data Input data Derived data Databases Final products Statistical production Data collectionData processingData evaluationData dissemination 21 Metadata objects for statistical production process Metadata objects
Tools Search and retrieval tools Tools supporting statistical production Knowledge resources supporting the “intellectual processes” associated with statistical system 22 Metadata objects
Common Metadata Framework 23 What needed for comparability of official statistics at national and international level and its accessibility? Statistical Metadata Standards 1. Statistical Concepts 2.Technical Standards 3. Models and statistical practices 4.Methodological Guidelines and Recommendations
24 1. Statistical Concepts 1.1 Statistical Classifications 1.2. Statistical units 1.3 Statistical variables/ characteristics 1.4 Statistical subject-matter Domains UNECE 1.5 Metadata Common Vocabulary (MCV SDMX) 1.6 SDMX cross-domain concepts 1.7 SDMX cross-domain code-lists Common Metadata Framework
25 2. Technical Standards 2.1 Dublin Core (ISO 15836) 2.2 Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) 2.3 Metadata Registries (ISO/IES 11179) 2.4 Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange SDMX (ISO/TS 17369) 2.5 Common Warehouse Metamodel ISO/IEC Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 2.7 GIS (ISO 19115) Common Metadata Framework
26 3.Models and statistical practices 3.1 Neuchatel model 3.2 Cristal model 3.3 Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) 3.4 Corporate Metadata Repository (Repository CMR) 3.5 DQAF-Data Quality Assessment Framework/ SDDS – Special Data Dissemination Standard 3.6 ESS Standard for Quality Reports (ESS ESQR) 3.7 Nordic Metamodel for PC.AXIS Common Metadata Framework
27 4. Methodological Guidelines and Recommendations 4.1 Guidelines for the modelling statistical data and metadata (UNECE 1995) 4.2 Guidelines for statistical metadata on Internet (UNECE 2000) 4.3 Recommendations on formats relevant to the downloading of data from the Internet (UNECE 2001) 4.4 Best practices in designing websites for dissemination of statistics (UNECE 2001) 4.5 Data and metadata reporting and presentation Handbook (OECD 2007) Common Metadata Framework
Achievements of the Committee 28 Standards applied in the Committee Statistical variables and characteristics Dublin Core ISO Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) Standards and Recommendations for Reports on quality assessment Registers of statistical units Statistical Classifications Descriptive Glossary of Statistical Terminology SDDS SDMX
29 Department of Quality Management and Information Technologies 1. Sector of Quality Management and Metadata 2. Sector of Information Technologies and security assuring Created by the Order # 232/k of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 29 December 2011 Achievements of the Committee
National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) 30 I. Managing the statistical system 1. Coordinating the national statistical system 2. Managing relationships with data users and data providers 3. Managing statistical standards II. Managing the institutional environment 4. Assuring professional independence 5. Assuring impartiality and objectivity 6. Assuring transparency 7. Assuring statistical confidentiality and security 8. Assuring the quality commitment 9. Assuring adequacy of resources III. Managing statistical processes 10. Assuring methodological soundness 11. Assuring cost-effectiveness 12. Assuring soundness of implementation 13. Managing the respondent burden IV. Managing statistical outputs 14. Assuring relevance 15. Assuring accuracy and reliability 16. Assuring timeliness and punctuality 17. Assuring accessibility and clarity 18. Assuring coherence and comparability 19. Managing metadata Achievements of the Committee
31 NQAF 19. Managing metadata Statistical agencies should provide information covering the underlying concepts, variables and classifications used, the methodology of data collection and processing, and indications of the quality of the statistical information - in general, sufficient information to enable the user to understand all of the attributes of the statistics, including their limitations, for informed decision-making. Elements: Metadata management system of the statistical agency is well defined and documented Procedures or guidelines for metadata maintenance and dissemination Metadata are documented according to standards The glossary of statistical concepts is publicly available Staff training and development programmes on metadata management and related information and documentation systems Systematic way for archiving metadata which also ensures that they are accessible for reuse in the future Achievements of the Committee
32 9 phases 47 sub-processes GSBPM (national version) was approved by Decision # 66/07 of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 4 September 2012 Achievements of the Committee
33 24 appropriate to international classifications Statistical classifications 6 national statistical classifications Register of statistical units sub-register of legal entities (78 966) sub-register of private owners ( ) sub-register of family peasant farms (more than ) Achievements of the Committee
34 Descriptive Glossary of Statistical Terminology (Baku/2010) 1.Introduction to the statistical process and its outputs 2.Relevance 3.Accuracy 4.Timeliness and Punctuality 5.Accessibility and Clarity 6.Coherence and Comparability 7.Trade-offs between output quality components 8.Assessment of User needs and perceptions 9.Cost-effectiveness and Respondent burden 10.Confidentiality, Transparency and Security 11.Conclusion 3768 concepts and they description Standards and Recommendations for Reports on quality assessment Approved by Order # 101/07 of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 17 December Achievements of the Committee
35 Statistical Glossary Metadata Classifications Achievements of the Committee E-services Statistical Database
36 Metadata on more than 1000 indicators Metadata on more than 250 questionnaires Methodological explanation Achievements of the Committee
37 Code of Practice of the State Statistical Authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan Principle 17. Accessibility and Clarity-statistics should be presented in an understandable form, released in a suitable manner for using, accessible for all users on an impartial basis with supporting metadata and appropriate explanatory information. Indicators: Statistics and the corresponding metadata are presented, and archived in a form that facilitates proper interpretation and meaningful comparisons Metadata are documented according to standardized metadata systems. Approved at meeting of Statistical Council on 25 November 2011 Appropriate to European Statistics Code of Practice, the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and International Statistical Institute Declaration of Professional Ethics Achievements of the Committee
Challenges 38 Promote metadata concept and the role of SMS GSBPM To prepare standards of managing statistical processes according to the 2nd edition of the national version of GSBPM GSIM (Generic Statististical Information Model) GSIM To prepare and apply the national version of GSIM (Generic Statististical Information Model) that will be the reference framework of information objects, which will enables generic descriptions of data and metadata definition, management, and use throughout the statistical production process. GSIM will complement the GSBPM, SDMX and other standards
39 SDMX To adapt to the structure of SDMX the metadata structure of indicators in the database Descriptive Glossary of Statistical Terminology To improve the Descriptive Glossary of Statistical Terminology and added related to statistical production terminology (concepts) that agreed at international level To assure active participation of the expert of the Committee at international forums, seminars and other meeting associated with Statistical Metadata Standards To arrange continuously training and development programme on SMS for the staff of the Committee Challenges
References 40 1.“Law on Official Statistics” of the Republic of Azerbaijan/ Code of Practice of the State Statistical Authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan/ Statistical Business Process Model/National version (first edition) / Standards and Recommendations for Reports on quality assessment/ GSİM v Statistical Metadata System Vision /SSC/ Statistical Metadata in a Corporate Context/National version/ Metadata Concepts, Standards, Models and Registers/National version/
41 Thank you!