HPER Enrollment by Age Group 2 Source: End of Term HED files Summer 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012
HPER Enrollment by Age and Audit Only 3 Source: End of Term HED files Summer 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012
HPER Student Composition 8,901 students enrolled in HPER Courses 2,599 students for grades Generating 2,878 fundable SCH 5,964 students for audit 338 students withdrew after the deadline 4 AY EnrollmentFunding Eligible Students 29% 67% 4% Funding Ineligible Source: End of Term HED files Summer 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012
Revenue: State & Tuition + Fees 2,878 x $ x 82.25% $363, Summer 2011: + $173,267 Fall 2011: + $328,214 Spring 2012: + $355,849 $857,330 5 State FundingTuition + Fees = SCH Tier 1Weight $363, $857,330 = $1,221, State FundingTuition + FeesTotal Revenue Source: End of Term HED files Summer 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012 Banner Finance *Approximately $1 Million worth of SCH was excluded from the formula *The funding formula mechanics are currently changing and may not reflect future funding levels.
Relevant Tuition and Fees 6 Source: SFCC Website: During Academic Year, there were 1,760 Senior Citizens who enrolled in HPER courses (duplicated count)
Expenses Professional Salaries $ 97, Full-Time Faculty $ 303, Part-Time Faculty $ 311, Secretarial/Clerical Salaries $ 76, Technical Salaries $ 81, Other Salaries $ 27, Supplies & Expenses $ 47, Fringe Benefits $ 193, Total $ 1,139, Administration $ 39, Custodial $ 146, Grounds $ 38, Maintenance $ 92, Property Insurance $ 20, Utilities & recycling $ 161, Waste Water Treatment $ 14, POM Pool $ 4, Total Direct Expenditure $ 518, Fringe Benefits $ 75, Int Service Charges $ 40, Total Expenditure $ 634, Final Approved FY 2012 Budget Salaries Final Approved FY 2012 Budget Operation & Maintenance of Plant* $1,139, $634, = $1,773, Total Salaries Total Operation & Maintenance of Plant Total Expense *Pro-rated based on square footage Source: Final Approved FY 2012 Budget for Fitness Salaries and Operation & Maintenance of Plant
Net Income/Loss 8 Revenue: +$1,221, Expense: - $1,773, $ 552,497.35
2012 Monthly Santa Fe Fitness Facility Membership Prices 9
Our Dilemma… 10 To continue to serve students with access to the Center while operating without losing revenue
Option 1: No Change For Students When Enrolled in HPER For Credit 11 In-District: $109.50= $27.38 per month Out-of-District: $121.50= $30.38 per month Out-of-State: $168.00= $42.00 per month Does not include $3.80 service fee and $1.00 Student Government Association fee
Option 2: Minor Changes For Students When Enrolled in HPER For Audit 12 In-District: $189.50= $47.38 per month Out-of-District: $201.50= $50.38 per month Out-of-State: $248.00= $62.00 per month Does not include $3.80 service fee and $1.00 Student Government Association fee
Option 3: For Students Above the Age of For Grade Waiting until last week to register* Using the Senior Rate: $75.00 = $18.75 per month For Audit No wait, register any time Using the Senior Rate: $ = $38.75 per month *NMAC H Eligibility requirements states that a student can enroll under the reduced tuition for senior citizens rate if there is space available Does not include $3.80 service fee and $1.00 Student Government Association fee
Option 4: Access Pass 14 Open activities and open access to the gym areas and the pool $50 per month
Summary of Monthly Prices 15 Chavez Center $65