Legacies: A Second Census? Ian Poiner CoML SSC
Background & Context CoML Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) decided to form a Science Council CoML Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) decided to form a Science Council (Succession and the future) Composition - vibrant scientists Composition - vibrant scientists Role – advise the SSC on issues ranging from cutting-edge technologies, scientific approaches and CoML legacies Role – advise the SSC on issues ranging from cutting-edge technologies, scientific approaches and CoML legacies Goal - to ensure a favourable funding environment for biodiversity research after 2010 Goal - to ensure a favourable funding environment for biodiversity research after 2010 Immediate question - the need for a second CoML. Immediate question - the need for a second CoML.
Barcode of Life Encyclopaedia of Life Questions+CompellingVision+SloanFoundation Synthesis,Predictions, Legacies, & Questions
Initial Meeting Auckland 17 November 2007 Group of scientists from North America, Europe, Africa, South America, Japan, South África, China, Australia, …. SSC members, NRIC Chairs and CoML Project Leaders (all invited)
Discussions/1 CoML Legacies – –Summary and brief discussion from the All Programs meeting A Science Plan for the Next Decade – –What will be the provocative science questions and gaps in the knowable for marine biodiversity science after 2010? – –What has CoML 1 told us about the future – –Need for a CoML 2?
Discussions/2 A Program Structure in the Next Decade – –What projects will continue beyond 2010 and what is their level of interest in continuing under CoML umbrella? – –What level of engagement and commitment can we expect from the current NRICs? – –How could international cohesion be achieved - governance structured for a second CoML? – –How can it be supported – funding source?
Outputs Formalization of Council CoML 2 (ideas for discussion) Science questions Implementation strategy Governance arrangements Resources – how will we support it? Statement of Work which will include communication and engagement with the CoML community