Migration Statistics Global database United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Istanbul, Turkey, 6-8 December 2010 Pablo Lattes Migration Section Population Division - DESA United Nations
United Nations Population Division/DESA Migration estimates and empirical data Migration stocks (estimates) Migration stocks (estimates) Migration flows (empirical) Migration flows (empirical) Global Migration Database (empirical) Global Migration Database (empirical) IPUMS (samples) IPUMS (samples)
United Nations Population Division/DESA Migration stock estimates Latest available from 2009 (estimates for 2010) Latest available from 2009 (estimates for 2010) Totals by sexTotals by sex Presently working on Presently working on Stock by sex and ageStock by sex and age Stock by country of originStock by country of origin
United Nations Population Division/DESA Migration flows to and from selected countries 2008 latest available 2008 latest available 29 reporting countries29 reporting countries Annual inflows (outflows, net flows) since 1960sAnnual inflows (outflows, net flows) since 1960s Detailed country of previous (next) residenceDetailed country of previous (next) residence Presently working on Presently working on 43 reporting countries43 reporting countries
United Nations Population Division/DESA Global Migration Database Repository of international migrant stock data by country of birth, citizenship, sex and age Repository of international migrant stock data by country of birth, citizenship, sex and age >230 countries/territories since 1960s >230 countries/territories since 1960s Censuses, registers, surveys Censuses, registers, surveys > 4,000 tables, > 2.7 million records, >2500 subscribers > 4,000 tables, > 2.7 million records, >2500 subscribers UNSD, UNICEF, UNDP-SU/SSC, WB UNSD, UNICEF, UNDP-SU/SSC, WB
United Nations Population Division/DESA Global Migration Database Presently working on Presently working on Updating existing dataUpdating existing data Developing a new front-endDeveloping a new front-end Simplifying retrieval by age or country of origin.Simplifying retrieval by age or country of origin.
United Nations Population Division/DESA Estimates Age distribution of the migrant stock Female representation and distribution by age
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of foreign population and total population Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Labour force projection for developed countries with and without migration With migration Without migration 84 Million 12.4% Source: UNPD estimates 2008
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of foreign and total population in CIS + Georgia Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of foreign born in Russian Federation – selected countries Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Age distribution of foreign born in Russian Federation – selected countries Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Female percentage by age - foreign born in Russian Federation Source: UNPD estimates
United Nations Population Division/DESA Origin and destination
United Nations Population Division/DESA Flows from CIS into Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, United States of America
United Nations Population Division/DESA Russian Federation 11,530Jordan 185 Ukraine 4,932Spain 182 Kazakhstan 2,835Turkmenistan 178 Belarus 974Estonia 175 Germany 704Canada 173 Uzbekistan 667Georgia 143 United States of America 620Lithuania 117 Poland 518Azerbaijan 109 Moldova 383Turkey 75 Italy 301Romania 57 Armenia 264Bulgaria 56 Latvia 258Czech Republic 53 Tajikistan 216France 46 Kyrgyzstan 212Australia 36 Greece 209Austria 36 Top 30 destinations (stock) as reported by destination countries - CIS + Georgia - (thousands)
United Nations Population Division/DESA Economic value - remittances
United Nations Population Division/DESA Remittances $ billion e2011f2012f Developing countries East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America and Caribbean Middle-East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Low-income countries Middle-income countries World Source: World Bank, 2010
United Nations Population Division/DESA Remittances (inflows US dollars) Source: World Bank, 2010 Remittances Inflows (US$ million) e Share of GDP, 2009 Armenia ,062 1, % Azerbaijan ,554 1,554 1,274 1,2741,4723.0% Belarus % Georgia % Kazakhstan % Kyrgyz Republic ,232 1, , % Moldova ,897 1,897 1,211 1,2111, % Russian Federation 1,275 1,275 3,012 3,012 6,033 6,033 5,359 5,3595,5900.5% Tajikistan ,544 2,544 1,748 1,7482, % Turkmenistan Ukraine ,769 5,769 5,073 5,0735,2892.0% Uzbekistan......
United Nations Population Division/DESA Finally
United Nations Population Division/DESA IPUMS international census database Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. IPUMS-International is a project dedicated to collecting and distributing census data from around the world. IPUMS-International is a project dedicated to collecting and distributing census data from around the world. 55 countries censuses 55 countries censuses
United Nations Population Division/DESA
United Nations Population Division/DESA Estimates by origin North South North South 56 million 72 million 12 million 74 million