Marketing the HLS Offer in a changing environment Shona Paul Katherine Forbes Higher Level Skills and Brokerage Universities for the North East
Context and background Legacy and achievements of previous projects Institutional priorities in employer engagement issues Businesslink priorities and HLS awareness of advisers Shared responsibility of HLS issues by HEFCE, RDA, LSC and other partners on HLS Board
Aim To establish a small central service to help employers, BL advisers, employer intermediaries better understand HLS offer, support better access to the offer, drive demand for skills provision in the NE
Objectives Deliver CPD events to BL advisers and other employer intermediaries Effective way to represent and access HLS offer Raise awareness of HLS needs and solutions Develop working protocols between brokers and institutions Support work of Unionlearn in HLS
Immediate Challenges Business case approved in Oct 2009 shortly followed by Shifting Policy Context Shifting Economic Context Changing Institutional Priorities Changing priorities for partners and funders
Unionlearn activity CPD delivery relationship development with Business Link and SSC Difficult to further develop and build upon given the previous changes Shift in focus and continued flexibility in responding to changes
Portal became the route to deliver much of the project outcomes Provided a focus for year 2 rather than supporting the rest of the developments Not to be product driven due to shifting agendas and funding Sustainability and portability key in taking forward
Portal Sector Based Business Problems Case Study Driven All FE and HE partners in NE Communications and Awareness Raising Sustainability Business Impact
Portal Demo
Skills To Grow NE
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Issues Institutional buy in and key contacts Business Impact Limitations on what could be achieved (areas that were not taken forward) Sustainability and institutional training Scale of case study collection End of project funding and implications for above