MS Announcements: Friday, March 8 th Middle School 1.Eighth Grade Girls - If you are interested in trying out for HIGH SCHOOL Cheerleading for next year, the clinic dates have changed to March 13,14,15 from 5-7:00 with try-outs being held on March 16th at 10:00. You can pick up information sheets in the office. 2.Also - any girls currently in grades 6, 7, or 8 interested in cheerleading next year, there will be an open gym tonight from 5-7:00. Meet outside of the cafetorium. 3.Attention 7 th and 8 th grade Track and Field Athletes – Mandatory practice begins Monday and will be from 3:00- 4:30. Athletes must have current physicals on file to practice. See Mr. Taylor or Mrs. Moell with questions. 4.Attention Wrestlers – Equipment turn-in will be Monday at 6:00pm. Please bring all wrestling gear to meet your coaches in the boys high school locker room area at 6:00. The end of season awards ceremony for the Middle School and High School wrestling teams will also be Monday at 7:00 in the Home Ec. Room. Athletes are asked to bring a dessert to share, drinks and table service will be provided. Athletes are expected to attend. 5.Congratulations to our Sectional Champion and District Runner-Up Boys Basketball Team on a great season. The team lost to Summit Country Day yesterday by a score of Leading scorers for WLS were Landon Hormann-21, Max Bailey-11, Travis Mayse-9, and Grant Burden-6. The team finished with a record of 20-6, setting a new school record for wins in a season. Congratulations to our 5 seniors, Coach Hollar, and the entire WLS team on a great season. 6.Attention 8th grade students interested in learning more about Science and Medicine. There will be a 2-day summer camp held at the University of Toledo for students interested in the field of Medicine and Health Science. Please see Mrs. Tennant in the Guidance office or Mrs. Symmat for more information. 7.If you are on the free or reduced lunch program, you can also get a free or reduced breakfast in the mornings. Cost for reduced breakfast is just 30 cents. Breakfast is served every school day, but not on delay days. A regular price breakfast is $ Attention middle school students. Here is another service opportunity for you. Throughout the month of March there will be a box set up in the Cafetorium to collect youth or adult size shoes. This is for Project Sole which is an organization that takes donated shoes and ships them to impoverished areas in Africa. We are looking for the following major brands: Nike, Adidas, Asics, New Balance, Brooks, Reebok, Converse, Sketchers, DC, and Puma. Shoes donated can be dirty, smelly, and worn, but can NOT have holes in the soles. No football cleats, baseball cleats, or sandals please. The collections ends March 22 nd. If you have any questions, see Cole McDaniel. 9.It’s Musical Time – WL-S proudly presents its musical Alice in Wonderland Jr.. March in the high school cafetorium. Show times are Thursday March 21st at 7:00 pm, Friday March 22 at 7:00 pm, and Saturday March 23rd at both 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Tickets range from $6-$9 and can be purchased in the high school office beginning Friday, March 8th.