Sports Marketing Lesson 1 The Creation of a New Baseball League
How Can we Compete with MLB? What past history in sports can we look at? NFL-AFL merger in 1970 NBA-ABA merger in 1967 WHL merger with NHL in 1972 USFL in mid 1980’s What do we need to start? Wealthy potential owners Cities that can support a franchise Players that make the fans want to watch
Questions about Franchise Locations Where are the MLB teams located now? Which states can handle another franchise? Which cities have the capabilities of handling a professional sports franchise? How do we choose the perfect locations?
Choosing the Perfect Location Conduct market research Collecting all relevant information about your target markets. Ways to conduct research 1. Surveys at games 2. On-Line and In-Store Surveys 3. Door to Door 4. Telephone Surveys 5. US Census Information
What Demographics Do We Look For in a City? “Demographics are the characteristics of human population segments, used to identify consumer markets.” Population Gender Breakdown Age Brackets Present Income Level Education Level Average Family Size Poverty Levels
Most Important Considerations Distance from nearest MLB Franchise At least 2 hours…more if famous franchise near Major city in the state Capital usually a good starting point Good economic and demographic stats Alright if certain stats aren’t great Other major sports teams already there Has the city ever had a baseball franchise
D Period- Franchise Owners
Portland D Rebel Baseball League 2013 RBL Franchises New Orleans Charlotte Nashville Omaha San Antonio OK City Las Vegas