Rate Law Equation For the reaction: aX + bY products r = k [X] m [Y] n Where r = reaction rate k = rate constant [X] & [Y] = concentration of X & Y m & n = order of reaction with respect to X & Y m + n = overall order of the reaction Note: m, n, & k must be determined experimentally!
Zeroeth-Order Reaction
First-Order Reaction
Second-Order Reaction
The Iodine Clock Reaction Persulfate variation Iodine is generated: 2I - (aq) + S 2 O 8 2- (aq) → I 2 (aq) + 2 SO 4 2- (aq) And is then removed: I 2 (aq) + 2 S 2 O 3 2- (aq) → 2I - (aq) + S 4 O 6 2- (aq) Once all the thiosulfate is consumed the Iodine may form a complex with the starch.