January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Efforts and needs for global control of BSE and vCJD Maura N. Ricketts MD MHSc FRCPC WHO/CDS/CSR/EPH
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Scrapie - sheep Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy Chronic Wasting Disease - mule deer and elk Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Feline Spongiform Encephalopathy (FSE) Transmissible Encephalopathy of captive bovids and felids Animal TSEs
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH BSE
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Mad Cow disease (BSE) and vCJD BSE and vCJD - same agent BSE epidemic in cattle was caused by BSE- contaminated MBM Principle source of exposure for humans is food human to human is a possible secondary route No test to detect agent in food or living asymptomatic animals
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH EU restricts British cattle exports BSE in the UK n=180,937 OIE, 30 June 2001 feed ban in UK Ban on British beef SBO ban for humans Sale of MBM prohibited
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Annual Incidence of BSE UK and Ireland (indigenous cases per million bovines over 24 months)
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Annual Incidence of BSE (indigenous cases per million bovines over 24 months) NB: Guernsey removed
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH BSE Reports in Europe, by Year OIE Data, 21 December 2000 N~182,000 Continental Europe United Kingdom
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH BSE Reports by Year OIE, 3 January 2002
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH BSE Reports Internationally, not UK by Year and Country OIE Data, 30 June 2001 PortugalIrelandFranceSwitzerlandBelgium
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Annual Incidence of BSE (indigenous cases per million bovines over 24 months)
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Austria Czech Republic Finland Germany Greece Italy Japan Slovakia Slovenia Spain 1 5 6 125 1 32 1 69 Impact of Active Surveillance: BSE reports in countries previously reporting no cases
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH OIE Data, 30 June 2001 Impact of Active Surveillance: BSE reports in Countries previously reporting no cases Spain Italy Germany
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH BSE Estimates Infections and Cases (n 1,000,000) Cattle infected with BSE (model) Confirmed BSE cases (deaths)
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Exports from UK UK Customs & Excise Data
Total Exports of MBM No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (in tonnes)
Total Export of Live Bovines , Pure Bred AND Non Pure Bred No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (number of animals)
Total Export of Bovine Offal and Meat preparations No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (in tonnes)
Total Export of Live Bovines , Pure-Bred and Non Pure-Bred No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (number of animals)
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH UK Exports of Bovine Offals (tonnes)
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH UK exports of bovine carcass meat (tonnes)
Exports of Bovine Offals No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (in tonnes)
Bovine Offal and Meat Preparations No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (in tonnes)
Exports of Bovine Carcass Beef No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (in tonnes)
Exports of Bovine Carcass Meat No data 0 - < < < < < < > Legend: (in tonnes)
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Limitations of C&E data Does not include exports from other countries with BSE Export and Import records may not tally Re-packaging and onward sales obscure the origin of trade goods Illegal or uncontrolled movements not reported Doesn’t describe how the imports were used
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Geographic BSE Risk Assessment Scientific Steering Committee EC review of the risk of BSE being present in a country describes the risks of introduction of BSE and recycling makes estimates of the risk levels of imported materials requires information about internal risks
GBR Category n=46 Countries Source: EU-SSC Website, May No data Category I Category II Category III Category IV Legend:
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO Consultation on Public Health and Animal TSEs: Epidemiology, Risk and Research Requirements 1-3 December 1999 “Eradication of BSE must remain the principle public health objective of national and international animal health control authorities”
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Global Dimension of BSE Problem areas South-East Asia Central and Eastern European countries (NIS) Mediterranean/North African, IF small ruminants are a problem
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Risk Assessments for BSE Any potentially infected material imported? Consider illegal importation Consider imports from other EC countries How was it used? Did cattle have access to it? Is there a rendering industry? Export materials to other countries for rendering? Global Seeding of BSE
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Public Health - Exposure Assessment called for pathway analysis called for standardized international approach to identify whether food is safe to export or not
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Public Health Assessment Risk from internal exposures risk of BSE in cattle (see OIE Code) risk that high risk materials are consumed by human populations
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Public Health Assessment Risk from external exposures i.e. importation of high risk materials SRMs, MRM NOT HIGH RISK - milk and milk products, gelatin prepared from hides and skins; WHO - skeletal muscle meat pharmaceuticals, biologicals, blood not fully evaluated
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Hazard Identification brain, eyes (retina), trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, DRG, distal ileum removals depend upon risk level animals subject to measures depend upon risk
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade BSE in Cattle requested OIE to secure more risk assessments requested OIE to use methods like GBR to assess risk level i.e. risk based, not rate based
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH Is BSE present in other countries? We don’t know The risk exists, is being evaluated EC is conducting GBR assessments of countries requesting assessments OIE will review voluntary applications to determine if countries are in compliance with the OIE Code on Animal Health to be considered BSE-free Risk Assessments requested of all OIE member countries by International Committee of the OIE Surveillance systems to be established
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO Activities for BSE and vCJD Standard surveillance methods established Human - WHO Manual on Surveillance; Euro/Neuro CJD Animal - OIE and EC Training in surveillance for human TSEs Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Beijing, Bratislava, Cairo, Dakar EC funded surveillance in NIS countries WHO (human)TSE Collaborating Centres BSE Risk Assessments What is appropriate to do?
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO Ave Appia Ch-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland How to find us…. For WHO Publications on TSEs /meeting.htm Snail Mail
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Risk Management Strategies commensurate with risk audit compliance
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Risk Management / MBM MBM of ruminant origin must not be fed to ruminants Where MBM is fed to other species ensure no X-contamination if cannot, don’t use any MBM in ruminants and don’t trade
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Risk Management / MBM international monitoring of feed bans better QA of animal feed
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Risk Management / SRM list unchanged consideration of slaughter methods, X-contamination, difficulties in identification of tissues in slaughterhouse SRM ban extent depends upon risk
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Animals with Confirmed or Suspected BSE all suspects destroyed clinically confirmed plus progeny of female cases destroyed discussed herd slaughter
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Surveillance commensurate with risk include passive and active Compliance …or risk failure
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade BSE in sheep maybe a problem improve surveillance of scrapie OIE to complete draft chapter where exposure to BSE has occurred, minimize exposure to humans
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Other Ruminants Water buffalo, cervids, camelids and other domestic ruminants include in feed bans conduct risk assessment
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Other farmed animals pigs and poultry no disease; no evidence for residual infectivity ostriches disease may not be TSE horses no neurological disease identified in UK
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Fur bearing mammals do not recycle into food animals Fish research is ongoing
January 2002 WHO/CSR/APH WHO/FAO/OIE BSE: Public Health, Animal Health and Trade Passage of infectivity infectivity passes through gut do not use digestive contents and faecal material from animals fed with MBM as a feed ingredient for animal feed